Virginie Duperat-Vergne Joins Edenred as Executive VP Finance

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action EDENRED (EPA:EDEN).

Edenred has announced the appointment of Virginie Duperat-Vergne as Executive Vice President Finance and member of the Executive Committee, effective June 2, 2025. Based in Issy-les-Moulineaux, she will report to CEO Bertrand Dumazy. Duperat-Vergne succeeds Julien Tanguy, who will move to a CEO role at another French company.

Duperat-Vergne brings extensive financial expertise from her previous roles, including Executive Board Member and CFO of Arcadis, where she enhanced financial discipline and spearheaded acquisitions. Her career spans positions at Canal+, Technip, Gemalto, and membership on EliorGroup's Board of Directors.

Bertrand Dumazy expressed confidence in her leadership and thanked Tanguy for his 14-year tenure. Duperat-Vergne's role involves steering Edenred's performance and monitoring the operational efficiency plan.

R. P.

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