Interparfums Announces New Share Repurchase Program
Interparfums has launched a new share repurchase program following approval at the Combined General Meeting on April 16, 2024. This program is sanctioned to purchase up to 2.5% of its share capital, translating to approximately 1,729,914 shares based on the current share numbers.
The company detailed that the repurchased shares are primarily for market-making and liquidity purposes under a liquidity agreement. Other uses include potential exchanges or payments in acquisitions, covering stock option plans, or possible cancellations of shares in line with the shareholders' approval.
The maximum price for share repurchase is set at €100 per share, with a total potential spending cap of €172,991,000. Share transactions can occur on or off the market, including block trades, without the use of derivatives or options.
This new program will replace the previous one adopted on April 21, 2023, and will run for 18 months until October 15, 2025. Interparfums has granted full authority to its Board of Directors to execute this plan within the stipulated timeframe.
R. H.
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