Description of the share repurchase program authorized by the Combined General Meeting of the shareholders of April 16,2024




Description of the share repurchase program authorized by the Combined General Meeting of the shareholders of April 16, 2024

Pursuant to articles 241-1 to 241-7 of the General Regulation of the French financial market authority (Autorité des Marchés Financiers or AMF) and in accordance with articles L.22-10-62 and following and  225-210 and following of the French commercial code, this document describes the purposes and procedures governing the Interparfums program to repurchase its own shares. 

Authorization of the repurchase program granted by the shareholders’ general meeting


This authorization was granted by the eleventh ordinary resolution of the shareholders’ meeting of April 16,2024 and adopted by the Board of Directors on that same date.

Number of shares and share of capital held by the company


Interparfums' shares are admitted to trading in Compartment A of the regulated market of Euronext Paris under ISIN code FR0004024222.

On April 16, 2024, the company had share capital of €207,589,710 divided into 69,196,570 shares with a par value of €3, of which 94,334 shares are held by the company under a liquidity agreement.

The company does not have an open position in derivatives.

Main purpose of shares held by the company acquired through the share repurchase program


On April 16, 2024, the total amount of the 94,334 shares held by the company are destined to be used to ensure program’s primary purpose, namely for the purposes of market-making services provided by an investment service provider under a liquidity agreement.

No shares bought back were cancelled.

Purposes of the new share repurchase program authorized by the AGM of April 16, 2024


Under this program, shares may be purchased for the following purposes:

-          market making in the secondary market or ensuring the liquidity of the Interparfums share by an investment services provider through a liquidity agreement complying with market practice allowed by regulations, it being specified that the number of shares taken into account to calculate the abovementioned limit corresponds to the number of shares acquired, after deducting the number of shares resold,

SA au capital de 207 589 710 €

Immatriculée sous le n° RCS Paris 350 219 382 

Siège social : 10 rue de Solférino 75007 Paris

-          retaining shares purchased for subsequent use in exchange or as payment for acquisitions, 

-          ensuring sufficient shares are available for stock option and/or restricted share award (“attribution d’actions gratuites” or bonus share) plans (or equivalent plans) for the benefit of employees and/or corporate officers of the Group as well as all share grants in connection with a company or group employee savings plan (or equivalent plan), employee profit-sharing schemes and/or all other forms of share grants to employees and/or corporate officers of the Group,

-          ensuring that sufficient shares are available to cover requirements for securities granting entitlement to shares of the company in accordance with applicable regulations,

-          canceling shares, as applicable, acquired in accordance with the authorization granted by the twelfth extraordinary resolution of the shareholders' general meeting of April 16, 2024,

-          - in general, to implement any market practice that may be permitted by the AMF, and more generally, to carry out any other transaction in compliance with the regulations in force.

Maximum percentage of share capital, maximum number of shares which may be repurchased under the new program and maximum purchase price


The maximum amount of the share capital which may be acquired by Interparfums is 2,5% of the share capital at any given time or, by way of example, 1,729,914 shares on April 16, 2024, based on a share capital of 69,196,570 shares, subject to adjustments that might be necessary to take into account the effects of corporate actions.

It is specified that this percentage applies to a share capital adjusted to take into account corporate actions after the Meeting, and notably in the case of stock splits or reverse stock splits or bonus share grants.

The maximum purchase price set by the General Meeting of April 16, 2024, was €100.

By way of example, without taking into account own shares held by the company on this date, the maximum amount allocated to the repurchase program would be €172,991,000. 

Procedures for the purchase and the disposal of shares


In accordance with applicable regulations, said shares may be purchased, held, sold or transferred, according to the case, through one or more transactions, at any time the Board of Directors so chooses subject to applicable regulations, by any means, on or off market, and notably through block trades.

The company does not intend to make use of options or derivatives.

Duration of the new share repurchase program


The share repurchase program is valid for a period of 18 months from the date of the General Meeting of the shareholders of April 16, 2024, granting the authorization, i.e. until October 15, 2025.

It will cancel and replace the program adopted by the authorization granted by the Combined General Meeting of April 21, 2023.

The shareholders grant all powers to the Board of Directors, which it may in turn delegate, to proceed with these transactions and generally carry out all necessary measures and formalities.

SA au capital de 207 589 710 €

Immatriculée sous le n° RCS Paris 350 219 382 

Siège social : 10 rue de Solférino 75007 Paris

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