Damartex Improves its Profitability in the First Half of 2024/2025

Damartex records a significant improvement in its operating profitability in the first half of the 2024/2025 financial year. Revenue amounts to €284.6 million, down 2% compared to the previous year. The group's strategic plan is starting to bear fruit, in particular with an operational EBITDA reaching €12.6 million, a significant increase of 91.6%.
The "Fashion" division saw a decline in turnover, although the Xandres brand maintained good performances. "Home & Lifestyle" returned to growth thanks to a strong performance in digital sales, while "Healthcare" progressed thanks to a successful reorganization following the closure of the Almadia sales channel. As a result, the net result from continuing operations improved to -2.6 million euros.
Damartex's net financial position stands at -101.8 million euros, reflecting proactive inventory management and strategic investments. The group, under the leadership of Nicolas Marchand, is committed to a return to profitability and increased customer satisfaction, supported by its DARE. ACT.IMPACT 2026 plan.
R. E.
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