Crossing of thresholds by Goldman Sachs in the capital of Société Générale
On May 29, 2024, Société Générale announced that The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. crossed the thresholds for holding its capital upwards and then downwards.
On May 23, 2024, Goldman Sachs exceeded the thresholds of 5% of the capital and voting rights of Société Générale. The firm indirectly held 47,228,440 shares, or 5.88% of the capital and 5.37% of the voting rights.
On May 24, 2024, Goldman Sachs fell below the 5% thresholds. They then held 11,489,861 shares, or 1.43% of the capital and 1.31% of the voting rights.
These variations result from off-market transactions. The trading exemption now applies to the declarant, clarifying the regulations in force.
R. P.
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