Terms of availability of the preparatory documents for the GM



French limited company (société anonyme) with capital of €575,540,182.50

Registered office: 14-16, rue des Capucines - 75002 Paris - France

Paris trade and companies register: 592 014 476

Paris, February 28, 2025



ON APRIL 17, 2025


The shareholders of Gecina (the “Company”) are invited to attend the Combined General Meeting to be held on:

Thursday April 17, 2025 from 3pm,

at Hôtel Kimpton Saint-Honoré, 20 rue Daunou, 75002 Paris

A meeting notice containing the agenda, the full text for the proposed resolutions and the main conditions for attending and voting at the Combined General Meeting on April 17, 2025 has been published in the French official gazette (Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires, BALO) today. This meeting notice and the Board of Directors’ report on the proposed resolutions can be consulted on Gecina's website at

The meeting notice will be followed by an invitation to attend, which will be published in the French official gazette (BALO) and a French legal announcement journal within the legal and regulatory timeframes.

The preparatory documents for this General Meeting will be made available to the Company’s shareholders in accordance with the regulatory conditions and timeframes applicable.

All shareholders may ask Gecina to send them these documents with written requests to be sent by post to the Company’s registered office or by email to For bearer shareholders, a certificate confirming registration in the securities accounts for bearer shares held by an authorized intermediary must be submitted to exercise this right.

These documents may also be consulted at the Company’s registered office and will be available on the Company’s website (

The Board of Directors

Voir toutes les actualités de GECINA