par SouthGobi Resources Ltd. (isin : CA8443751059)
SouthGobi Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2021 Financial and Operating Results
HONG KONG / ACCESSWIRE / March 31, 2023 / SouthGobi Resources Ltd. (Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX"): SGQ, Hong Kong Stock Exchange ("HKEX"): 1878) (the "Company" or "SouthGobi") today announces its financial and operating results for the quarter and the year ended December 31, 2022. All figures are in U.S. dollars ("USD") unless otherwise stated.
The Board of Directors (the "Board") wish to inform that the Company's independent auditors, BDO Limited ("BDO"), have completed their audit of the consolidated financial statements of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2022 in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards and would like to announce the audited annual results of the Company for the year ended December 31, 2022 together with the comparative figures for the previous year and the respective notes in this announcement.
Significant Events and Highlights
The Company's significant events and highlights for the year ended December 31, 2022 and the subsequent period to March 31, 2023 are as follows:
- Operating Results - In response to the increase in the number of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 ("COVID-19") case in Ejinaqi, a region in China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region where the custom and border crossing are located, reported in late October 2021, the local government authorities imposed stringent preventive measures throughout the region, including the temporary closure of the Ceke Port of Entry located at the border of Mongolia and China. Accordingly, the Company's coal exports into China were suspended from November 2021 to May 2022. Following the reopening of the Ceke Port of Entry for coal export on May 25, 2022, coal sales increased from 0.9 million tonnes in 2021 to 1.1 million tonnes in 2022.
Since May 25, 2022, the number of trucks permitted to cross the Chinese-Mongolian border, as well as the volume of coal exports, have increased. As a result, the Company has gradually resumed mining operations beginning on July 15, 2022. The Company's major mining operations, including coal mining, have resumed and the Company expects to increase the volume of coal production in a gradual manner, while coal washing shall remain suspended for the time being. In response to the market situation, the Company has been mixing some higher ash content product with the semi-soft coking coal product and sold to the market as processed coal in 2022.
The Company experienced an increase in the average selling price of coal from $46.0 per tonne in 2021 to $65.7 per tonne in 2022, due to improved market conditions in China. - Financial Results - The Company recorded a $13.6 million profit from operations in 2022 compared to a $4.4 million profit from operations in 2021. The financial results for 2022 were impacted by a foreign exchange gain of $4.6 million and the increased sales experienced by the Company following the reopening of the Ceke Port of Entry during the second quarter of 2022.
- Completion of Sale by China Investment Corporation (together with its wholly-owned subsidiaries and affiliates, "CIC") of its Interests in the Company - The Company announced that, as disclosed in the press releases issued by CIC and JD Zhixing Fund L.P. (the "JDZF") respectively on August 30, 2022, the sale (the "CIC Sale Transaction") by CIC of all of its interests in the Company, including its 64,766,591 common shares of the Company and the convertible debenture (the "Convertible Debenture"), to JDZF was successfully completed on August 30, 2022. Following the completion of the CIC Sale Transaction, the respective rights and obligations of CIC under (i) the Convertible Debenture and related security documents; (ii) the amended and restated mutual cooperation agreement signed on April 23, 2019 (the "Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement") and related documents; (iii) the deferral agreements between CIC, the Company and certain of its subsidiaries in connection with the deferral of interest payments and other outstanding fees under the Convertible Debenture and the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement; and (iv) the security holders agreement between the Company, CIC and a former shareholder of the Company, were assigned to JDZF. In connection with the completion of the CIC Sale Transaction, JDZF agreed to reduce the service fee payable by the Company under the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement from 2.5% to 1.5% of all net revenues realised by the Company and all of its subsidiaries derived from sales into China.
- Deferral Agreements - On November 11, 2022, the Company and JDZF entered into an agreement (the "2022 November Deferral Agreement") pursuant to which JDZF agreed to grant the Company a deferral of: (i) semi-annual cash interest payments of $7.1 million payable to JDZF on November 19, 2022 under the Convertible Debenture; (ii) $1.1 million in payment-in-kind interest ("PIK Interest") shares issuable to JDZF on November 19, 2022 under the Convertible Debenture (collectively, the "2022 November Deferred Interest"); and (iii) the management fees payable to JDZF on November 15, 2022, February 15, 2023, May 16, 2023 and August 15, 2023 under the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement (the "2022 November Deferred Management Fees").
The principal terms of the 2022 November Deferral Agreement are as follows:
- Payment of the 2022 November Deferred Interest and the 2022 November Deferred Management Fees will be deferred until November 19, 2023.
- As consideration for the deferral of the 2022 November Deferred Interest, the Company agreed to pay JDZF a deferral fee equal to 6.4% per annum on the 2022 November Deferred Interest payable under the Convertible Debenture, commencing on November 19, 2022.
- As consideration for the deferral of the 2022 November Deferred Management Fees, the Company agreed to pay JDZF a deferral fee equal to 1.5% per annum on the outstanding balance of the 2022 Deferred Management Fees payable under the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement, commencing on the date on which each such 2022 November Deferred Management Fees would otherwise have been due and payable under the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement.
- If at any time before the 2022 November Deferred Interest and the 2022 November Deferred Management Fees and related deferral fees are fully repaid, the Company proposes to appoint, replace or terminate one or more of its chief executive officer, its chief financial officer or any other senior executive(s) in charge of its principal business function or its principal subsidiary, the Company will first consult with, and obtain written consent (such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) from JDZF prior to effecting such appointment, replacement or termination.
- The Company agreed to comply with all of its obligations under the prior deferral agreements assigned to JDZF.
- The Company and JDZF agreed that nothingin the 2022 November Deferral Agreementprejudices JDZF's rights to pursue any of its remedies at any time pursuant to the prior deferral agreements.
On March 24, 2023, the Company and JDZF entered into an agreement (the "2023 March Deferral Agreement") pursuant to which JDZF agreed to grant the Company a deferral of (i) the cash interest payment of approximately $7.9 million (the "2023 May Cash Interest") which will be due and payable on May 19, 2023 under the Convertible Debenture; (ii) the cash interest, management fees, and related deferral fees of approximately $8.7 million (the "2022 May Deferred Amounts") which are due and payable to JDZF on or before August 31, 2023 under the deferral agreement dated May 13, 2022; (iii) the cash and PIK Interest, and related deferral fees of approximately $13.5 million (the "2021 July Deferred Amounts") which are due and payable to JDZF on or before August 31, 2023 under the deferral agreement dated July 30, 2021; and (iv) the cash and PIK Interest, management fees, and related deferral fees of approximately $110.4 million (the "2020 November Deferred Amounts", and together with the 2023 May Cash Interest, the 2022 May Deferred Amounts and the 2021 July Deferred Amounts, the "2023 March Deferred Amounts") which are due and payable to JDZF on or before August 31, 2023 under the deferral agreement dated November 19, 2020.
The effectiveness of the 2023 March Deferral Agreement and the respective covenants, agreements and obligations of each party under the 2023 March Deferral Agreement are subject to the approvals from the TSX and the shareholders of the Company in accordance with the requirements of Section 501(c) of the TSX Company Manual and the HKEX listing rules.
The principal terms of the 2023 March Deferral Agreement are as follows:
- Payment of the 2023 March Deferred Amounts will be deferred until August 31, 2024 (the "Deferral Date").
- As consideration for the deferral of the 2023 March Deferred Amounts which relate to the payment obligations arising from the Convertible Debenture, the Company agreed to pay JDZF a deferral fee equal to 6.4% per annum on the outstanding balance of such 2023 March Deferred Amounts, commencing on the date on which each such 2023 March Deferred Amounts would otherwise have been due and payable under the Convertible Debenture.
- As consideration for the deferral of the 2023 March Deferred Amounts which relate to payment obligations arising from Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement, the Company agreed to pay JDZF a deferral fee equal to 1.5% per annum on the outstanding balance of such 2023 March Deferred Amounts commencing on the date on which each such 2023 March Deferred Amounts would otherwise have been due and payable under the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement.
- The 2023 March Deferral Agreement does not contemplate a fixed repayment schedule for the 2023 March Deferred Amounts or related deferral fees. Instead, the 2023 March Deferral Agreement requires the Company to use its best efforts to pay the 2023 March Deferred Amounts and related deferral fees due and payable under the 2023 March Deferral Agreement to JDZF. During the period beginning as of the effective date of the 2023 March Deferral Agreement and ending as of the Deferral Date, the Company will provide JDZF with monthly updates of its financial status and business operations, and the Company and JDZF will on a monthly basis discuss and assess in good faith the amount (if any) of the 2023 March Deferred Amounts and related deferral fees that the Company may be able to repay to JDZF, having regard to the working capital requirements of the Company's operations and business at such time and with the view of ensuring that the Company's operations and business would not be materially prejudiced as a result of any repayment.
- If at any time before the 2023 March Deferred Amounts and related deferral fees are fully repaid, the Company proposes to appoint, replace or terminate one or more of its chief executive officer, its chief financial officer or any other senior executive(s) in charge of its principal business function or its principal subsidiary, the Company will first consult with, and obtain written consent (such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) from JDZF prior to effecting such appointment, replacement or termination.
- The Company is convening a special meeting of Shareholders in the second quarter of 2023 to seek disinterested Shareholder approval of the 2023 March Deferral Agreement.
- Issuance of PIK Interest shares - In November 2022, the Company issued 20,947,603 Common Shares to JDZF in accordance with the terms of the Convertible Debenture at an issuance price of CA$0.185 per Common Share as settlement of $2.9 million in outstanding PIK Interest owing by the Company to JDZF under the Convertible Debenture and related deferral agreements.
- Application for New Listing on the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSX-V") and Primary Listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange - On April 20, 2022, the Company announced that it would be making an application (the "Listing Application") to the TSX-V to list its common shares on the TSX-V. In conjunction with the foregoing, the Company would also apply for voluntary delisting of its common shares from the TSX (the "Delisting"), subject to the Company receiving approval from the TSX-V of the Listing Application. Pursuant to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (the "Listing Rules"), the Company announced it intends to submit a written notification to the HKEX stating, among other things, that it will be able to fully comply with the applicable Listing Rules in connection with the approval of the Listing Application and the Listing Application becoming effective, and such that its current secondary listing on the HKEX will be converted to a primary listing.
On July 28, 2022, the Company received an acknowledgment from the HKEX in respect of the Delisting issued pursuant to paragraph 3.34 of the HKEX's Guidance Letter (HKEX-GL-112-22), which informed the Company that, upon the effective date of the Delisting, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange will regard the Company as having a primary (rather than secondary) listing status on the HKEX pursuant to Rule 19C.13A of the HKEX Listing Rules and the dis-application of the stock marker "S" from the Company's trading symbol on the HKEX will take effect.
On March 6, 2023, the Company announced that it received a conditional acceptance letter from the TSX-V (the "TSX-V Conditional Approval Letter") confirming that the TSX-V Listing Application had been approved subject to the satisfaction of certain listing conditions of the TSX-V. The Company is targeting a tentative date for the listing of the Company's common shares on the TSX-V and the date of Delisting from TSX (i.e., the Effective Date) of April 17, 2023. The Company expects that the listing conditions of the TSX-V can be fulfilled by the Company before the Effective Date. - Completion of Sale by China Cinda (HK) Asset Management Co., Limited (together with its wholly-owned subsidiaries and affiliates, "CCAM") of its Interests in the Company-The Company announced that, as disclosed in the press releases issued by CCAM and Land Grand International Holding Limited ("Land Grand") respectively on November 28, 2022, the sale (the "Cinda Sale Transaction") by CCAM of all of its interests in the Company, including its 46,358,978 common shares of the Company to Land Grand was successfully completed. In connection with the Cinda Sale Transaction, CCAM assigned to Land Grand certain rights in and obligations under the subscription agreement between the Company and Novel Sunrise Investments Limited ("Novel Sunrise") dated February 24, 2015, including Novel Sunrise's right to nominate a certain number of individual(s) for appointment or election to the board of directors of the Company while its beneficial interests in the Company's issued and outstanding common shares exceed 10%.
- Revolving Credit Facility- On March 2, 2023, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company (the "Borrower") entered into an unsecured revolving credit facility (the "Credit Facility") with a related party of JDZF, the Company's largest shareholder, which makes available to the Company up to a maximum principal sum of RMB90 million with a maturity date of three months after the agreement was signed. The Company has obtained the requisite acceptance from the TSX for the Credit Facility in accordance with the requirements of the TSX Company Manual, subject to certain standard conditions.
The principal terms of the Credit Facility are as follows:
- All obligations under the Credit Facility are due and payable on the maturity date.
- The Credit Facility is a revolving facility, pursuant to which the Borrower will be entitled, but not obligated, to request advances ("Advances") under the Credit Facility from time to time, provided that the aggregate amount of the outstanding Advances under the Credit Facility does not exceed the maximum loan amount at any time. The Borrower is entitled to repay all or any portion of the outstanding Advances under the Credit Facility from time to time without bonus or penalty.
- Advances under the Credit Facility will not accrue interest if the Borrower repays any Advance in full within fifteen (15) days following the date of drawdown (the "Interest-Free Period"). If the Borrower fails to repay in full the amount of the Advance prior to the end of the Interest-Free Period, then the Borrower will pay to the Lender interest on the outstanding amount of such Advance, beginning on the day immediately following the last day of the Interest-Free Period (the "Interest Trigger Date") and ending on but excluding the day on which such Advance is repaid or satisfied in full. Interest on the outstanding amount of each Advance from the Interest Trigger Date is calculated at a rate per annum equal to 5%, determined daily and calculated and payable on the date on which the relevant Advance is repaid in full.
- The Company intends to use the proceeds of the Credit Facility for general corporate purposes.
Changes in Management
Mr. Jianmin Bao: Mr. Bao resigned as a non-executive director on August 31, 2022.
Mr. Ben Niu: Mr. Niu resigned as a non-executive director on August 31, 2022.
Mr. Tao Zhang: Mr. Zhang resigned as Vice President of Sales on September 2, 2022.
Mr. Dalanguerban: Mr. Dalanguerban was re-designated from Chief Executive Officer to President on September 8, 2022 and resigned as an executive director on December 6, 2022.
Mr. Dong Wang: Mr. Wang was appointed as Chief Executive Officer and an executive director on September 8, 2022.
Mr. Alan Ho: Mr. Ho was appointed as Chief Financial Officer (formerly, the acting Chief Financial Officer) on September 8, 2022.
Ms. Chonglin Zhu: Ms. Zhu was appointed as Senior Vice President of Finance and an executive director on September 8, 2022.
Mr. Zhiwei Chen: Mr. Chen resigned as a non-executive director on December 6, 2022.
Ms. Ka Lee Ku: Ms. Ku resigned as a non-executive director on December 6, 2022.
Mr. Zhu Gao: Mr. Gao was appointed as a non-executive director on December 6, 2022.
Mr. Gang Li: Mr. Li was appointed as a non-executive director on December 6, 2022.
Mr. Chen Shen: Mr. Shen was appointed as a non-executive director on December 6, 2022 and re-designated to an executive director on February 17, 2023.
- Going Concern - Several adverse conditions and material uncertainties relating to the Company cast significant doubt upon the going concern assumption which includes the deficiencies in assets and working capital.
See section "Liquidity and Capital Resources" of this press release for details.
Summary of Annual Operational Data

- A Non-International Financial Reporting Standards ("non-IFRS") financial measure. Refer to "Non-IFRS Financial Measures" section. Cash costs of product sold exclude idled mine asset cash costs.
- Per 200,000 man hours and calculated based on a rolling 12-month average.
Overview of Annual Operational Data
The Company ended 2022 and 2021 without a lost time injury.
The Company experienced an increase in the average selling price of coal from $46.0 per tonne for 2021 to $65.7 per tonne for 2022, as a result of improved market conditions in China. The product mix for 2022 consisted of approximately 25% of premium semi-soft coking coal, 6% of standard semi-soft coking coal/premium thermal coal and 69% of processed coal compared to approximately 64% of premium semi-soft coking coal, 34% of standard semi-soft coking coal/premium thermal coal and 2% of processed coal in 2021.
In response to the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in Ejinaqi, a region in China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region where the custom and border crossing are located, reported in late October 2021, the local government authorities imposed stringent preventive measures throughout the region, including the temporary closure of the Ceke Port of Entry located at the border of Mongolia and China. Accordingly, the Company's coal exports into China were suspended from November 2021 to May 2022. Following the reopening of the Ceke Port of Entry for coal export on May 25, 2022, coal sales increased from 0.9 million tonnes in 2021 to 1.1 million tonnes in 2022.
Since May 25, 2022, the number of trucks permitted to cross the Chinese-Mongolian border, as well as the volume of coal exports, have increased. As a result, the Company has gradually resumed mining operations beginning on July 15, 2022, yielding 0.7 million tonnes for 2022 as compared to 1.4 million tonnes for 2021. In response to the market situation, the Company has been mixing some higher ash content product with the semi-soft coking coal product and sold to the market as processed coal in 2022.
The Company's unit cost of sales of product sold increased from $33.3 per tonne in 2021 to $52.0 per tonne in 2022. The increase was mainly driven by (i) the change in the product mix and processed coal having a relatively higher unit cost of sales as compared to the Company's other coal products; and (ii) the increase in the effective royalty rate.
Summary of Annual Financial Results

- Revenue and cost of sales related to the Company's Ovoot Tolgoi Mine within the Coal Division operating segment. Refer to note 2 of the selected information from the notes to the consolidated financial statements for further analysis regarding the Company's reportable operating segments.
- A Non-IFRS financial measure. Refer to "Non-IFRS Financial Measures" section. Idled mine asset costs represents the depreciation expense relates to the Company's idled plant and equipment.
Overview of Annual Financial Results
The Company recorded a $13.6 million profit from operations in 2022 compared to a $4.4 million profit from operations in 2021. The financial results were impacted by (i) the higher selling price achieved by the Company; and (ii) increased sales experienced by the Company following the reopening of the Ceke Port of Entry during the second quarter of 2022.
Revenue was $73.1 million in 2022 compared to $43.4 million in 2021. The Company's effective royalty rate for 2022, based on the Company's average realised selling price of $65.7 per tonne, was 19.4% or $12.8 per tonne, compared to 18.7% or $8.6 per tonne in 2021 (based on the average realised selling price of $46.0 per tonne).
Cost of sales was $57.8 million in 2022 compared to $31.3 million in 2021. The increase in cost of sales in 2022 was mainly due to the effect of increased sales volume as well as the change in product mix. Cost of sales consists of operating expenses, share-based compensation expense, equipment depreciation, depletion of mineral properties, royalties and idled mine asset costs. Operating expenses in cost of sales reflect the total cash costs of product sold (a Non-IFRS financial measure, refer to section "Non-IFRS Financial Measures" for further analysis) during the year.

Operating expenses in cost of sales were $40.1 million in 2022 compared to $18.2 million in 2021. Cost of sales related to idled mine assets in 2022 included $0.9 million related to depreciation expenses for idled equipment (2021: $2.9 million).
Other operating income was $5.3 million in 2022 (2021: other operating expenses of $1.4 million). A foreign exchange gain of $4.6 million and write-off of other payables of $3.3 million were recorded in 2022, respectively. (2021: foreign exchange loss of $0.3 million and write-off of other payables of $0.7 million).

Administration expenses were $6.9 million in 2022 as compared to $6.1 million in 2021, as follows:

Administration expenses were higher for 2022 compared to 2021 primarily due to increase in salaries and benefits incurred during the year following the resumption of mining operations in the third quarter of the year.
The Company continued to minimise evaluation and exploration expenditures in 2022 in order to preserve the Company's financial resources. Evaluation and exploration activities and expenditures in 2022 were limited to ensuring that the Company met the Mongolian Minerals Law requirements in respect of its mining licenses.
Finance costs were $42.2 million and $39.1 million in 2022 and 2021, respectively, which primarily consisted of interest expense on the $250.0 million Convertible Debenture.
Summary of Quarterly Operational Data

- A Non-IFRS financial measure. Refer to "Non-IFRS Financial Measures" section. Cash costs of product sold exclude idled mine asset cash costs.
- Per 200,000 man hours and calculated based on a rolling 12-month average.
- Not presented as nil sales was noted for the quarter.
Overview of Quarterly Operational Data
The Company ended the fourth quarter of 2022 without a lost time injury.
The Company experienced an increase in the average selling price of coal from $55.4 per tonne in the fourth quarter of 2021 to $65.9 per tonne in the fourth quarter of 2022, as a result of improved market conditions in China. The product mix for the fourth quarter of 2022 consisted of approximately 13% premium semi-soft coking coal, 1% standard semi-soft coking coal/premium thermal coal and 86% of processed coal compared to approximately 59% premium semi-soft coking coal and 41% standard semi-soft coking coal/premium thermal coal in the fourth quarter of 2021.
The Company sold 0.5 million tonnes for the fourth quarter of 2022, compared to less than 0.1 million tonnes for the fourth quarter of 2021.
The Company's unit cost of sales of product sold decreased from $77.0 per tonne in the fourth quarter of 2021 to $41.8 per tonne in the fourth quarter of 2022. The decrease was mainly driven by the economies of scale due to increased sales as well as the decrease in the effective royalty rate.
Summary of Quarterly Financial Results
The Company's annual financial statements are reported under International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB"). The following table provides highlights, extracted from the Company's annual and interim financial statements, of quarterly results for the past eight quarters:

- Revenue and cost of sales relate to the Company's Ovoot Tolgoi Mine within the Mongolian Coal Division operating segment. Refer to note 2 of the selected information from the notes to the consolidated financial statements for further analysis regarding the Company's reportable operating segments.
Overview of Quarterly Financial Results
The Company recorded a $7.6 million profit from operations in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to a $3.2 million loss from operations in the fourth quarter of 2021. The financial results for the fourth quarter of 2022 were impacted by (i) the higher selling price achieved by the Company; and (ii) increased sales experienced by the Company following the reopening of the Ceke Port of Entry during the second quarter of 2022.
Revenue was $30.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to $0.8 million in the fourth quarter of 2021. The Company's effective royalty rate for the fourth quarter of 2022, based on the Company's average realised selling price of $65.9 per tonne, was 18.9% or $12.5 per tonne, compared to 49.4% or $27.4 per tonne in the fourth quarter of 2021 (based on the average realised selling price of $55.4 per tonne).
Cost of sales was $19.7 million in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to $1.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2021. The increase in cost of sales in the fourth quarter of 2021 was mainly due to the effect of increased sales volume.
Cost of sales consists of operating expenses, share-based compensation expense, equipment depreciation, depletion of mineral properties, royalties and idled mine asset costs. Operating expenses in cost of sales reflect the total cash costs of product sold (a Non-IFRS financial measure, refer to section "Non-IFRS Financial Measures" for further analysis) during the quarter.

Cost of sales related to idled mine assets in the fourth quarter of 2022 included $0.1 million related to depreciation expenses for idled equipment (fourth quarter of 2021: $0.6 million).
Other operating expenses was $1.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2022 (fourth quarter of 2021: $1.1 million). A foreign exchange gain of $0.5 million and impairment on materials and supplies inventories of $1.5 million were recorded in the fourth quarter of 2022. (fourth quarter of 2021: foreign exchange loss of $0.1 million and impairment on materials and supplies inventories of $2.4 million).

Administration expenses increased from $1.3 million in the fourth quarter of 2021 to $2.1 million in the fourth quarter of 2022, primarily due to increase in salaries and benefits incurred during the quarter following the resumption of mining operations in the third quarter of the year.

The Company continued to minimise evaluation and exploration expenditures in the fourth quarter of 2022 in order to preserve the Company's financial resources. Evaluation and exploration activities and expenditures in the fourth quarter of 2022 were limited to ensuring that the Company met the Mongolian Minerals Law requirements in respect of its mining licenses.
Finance costs were $11.2 million in the fourth quarter of 2022 compared to $9.7 million in the fourth quarter of 2021, which primarily consisted of interest expense on the $250.0 million Convertible Debenture.
Liquidity and Capital Management
The Company has in place a planning, budgeting and forecasting process to help determine the funds required to support the Company's normal operations on an ongoing basis and its expansionary plans.
Costs reimbursable to Turquoise Hill Resources Limited ("Turquoise Hill")
Prior to the completion of a private placement with Novel Sunrise on April 23, 2015, Rio Tinto plc ("Rio Tinto") was the Company's ultimate parent company. In the past, Rio Tinto sought reimbursement from the Company for the salaries and benefits of certain Rio Tinto employees who were assigned by Rio Tinto to work for the Company, as well as certain legal and professional fees incurred by Rio Tinto in relation to the Company's prior internal investigation and Rio Tinto's participation in the tripartite committee. Subsequently Rio Tinto transferred and assigned to Turquoise Hill its right to seek reimbursement for these costs and fees from the Company.
On January 20, 2021, the Company and Turquoise Hill entered into a settlement agreement, whereby Turquoise Hill agreed to a repayment schedule in settlement of certain secondment costs in the amount of $2.8 million (representing a portion of the TRQ Reimbursable Amount) pursuant to which the Company agreed to make monthly payments to Turquoise Hill in the amount of $0.1 million per month from January 2021 to June 2022. The Company is contesting the validity of the remaining balance of the TRQ Reimbursable Amount claimed by Turquoise Hill.
As at December 31, 2022, the amount of reimbursable costs and fees claimed by Turquoise Hill (the "TRQ Reimbursable Amount") amounted to $6.3 million (such amount is included in the trade and other payables).
Revolving Credit Facility
On March 2, 2023, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company entered into a Credit Facility with a related party of JDZF, the Company's largest shareholder, which makes available to the Company up to a maximum principal sum of RMB 90 million with a maturity date of three months after the agreement was signed. The Company has obtained the requisite acceptance from the TSX for the Credit Facility in accordance with the requirements of the TSX Company Manual, subject to certain standard conditions.
The principal terms of the Credit Facility are as follows:
- All obligations under the Credit Facility are due and payable on the maturity date.
- The Credit Facility is a revolving facility, pursuant to which the Borrower will be entitled, but not obligated, to request Advances under the Credit Facility from time to time, provided that the aggregate amount of the outstanding Advances under the Credit Facility does not exceed the maximum loan amount at any time. The Borrower is entitled to repay all or any portion of the outstanding Advances under the Credit Facility from time to time without bonus or penalty.
- Advances under the Credit Facility will not accrue interest if the Borrower repays any Advance in full within the Interest-Free Period. If the Borrower fails to repay in full the amount of the Advance prior to the end of the Interest-Free Period, then the Borrower will pay to the Lender interest on the outstanding amount of such Advance, beginning on the day immediately following the Interest Trigger Date and ending on but excluding the day on which such Advance is repaid or satisfied in full. Interest on the outstanding amount of each Advance from the Interest Trigger Date is calculated at a rate per annum equal to 5%, determined daily and calculated and payable on the date on which the relevant Advance is repaid in full.
- The Company intends to use the proceeds of the Credit Facility for general corporate purposes.
Going concern considerations
The Company's consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis which assumes that the Company will continue to operate until at least December 31, 2023 and will be able to realise its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of operations as they come due. However, in order to continue as a going concern, the Company must generate sufficient operating cash flows, secure additional capital or otherwise pursue a strategic restructuring, refinancing or other transactions to provide it with sufficient liquidity.
Several adverse conditions and material uncertainties cast significant doubt upon the Company's ability to continue as a going concern and the going concern assumption used in the preparation of the Company's consolidated financial statements. The Company incurred a net loss attributable to equity holders of the Company of $30.4 million for 2022 (compared to a net loss attributable to equity holders of the Company of $14.4 million for 2021), and had a deficiency in assets of $142.5 million as at December 31, 2022 as compared to a deficiency in assets of $90.5 million as at December 31, 2021 while the working capital deficiency (excess current liabilities over current assets) reached $184.7 million as at December 31, 2022 compared to a working capital deficiency of $42.5 million as at December 31, 2021.
Included in the working capital deficiency as at December 31, 2022 are significant obligations, represented by trade and other payables of $59.7 million, which includes $22.5 million in unpaid taxes that are repayable on demand to the Mongolian Tax Authority ("MTA").
The Company may not be able to settle all trade and other payables on a timely basis, and as a result any continuing postponement in settling of certain trade and other payables owed to suppliers and creditors may result in potential lawsuits and/or bankruptcy proceedings being filed against the Company. Except as disclosed elsewhere in this press release, no such lawsuits or proceedings were pending as at March 31, 2023. However, there can be no assurance that no such lawsuits or proceedings will be filed by the Company's creditors in the future and the Company's suppliers and contractors will continue to supply and provide services to the Company uninterrupted.
As disclosed in the section "Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic" below, the Chinese-Mongolian border was re-opened for coal export on a trial basis on May 25, 2022 but there can be no guarantee that the Company will be able to continue exporting coal to China, or the Chinese-Mongolian border crossings would not be the subject of additional closure as a result of COVID-19 or any variants thereof in the future. The Company has been proactively adjusting its sales strategy and exploring opportunities to expand its sales. In early 2023, China fully reopened its borders and relaxed the export restrictions associated with COVID-19. The Company anticipates that its revenue, liquidity and profitability will improve following the coal exports volume resuming to normal levels.
There are significant uncertainties as to the outcomes of the above events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern and, therefore, the Company may be unable to realise its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business. Should the use of the going concern basis in preparation of the consolidated financial statements be determined to be not appropriate, adjustments would have to be made to write down the carrying amounts of the Company's assets to their realisable values, to provide for any further liabilities which might arise and to reclassify non-current assets and non-current liabilities as current assets and current liabilities, respectively. The effects of these adjustments have not been reflected in the consolidated financial statements. If the Company is unable to continue as a going concern, it may be forced to seek relief under applicable bankruptcy and insolvency legislation.
For the purpose of assessing the appropriateness of the use of the going concern basis to prepare the financial statements, management of the Company has prepared a cash flow projection covering a period of 12 months from December 31, 2022. The cash flow projection has considered the anticipated cash flows to be generated from the Company's business during the period under projection including cost saving measures. In particular, the Company has taken into account the following measures for improvement of the Company's liquidity and financial position, which include: (a) entering into the 2023 March Deferral Agreement with JDZF on March 24, 2023 for a deferral of (i) the 2023 May Cash Interest which will be due and payable to JDZF on May 19, 2023 under the Convertible Debenture; (ii) the 2022 May Deferred Amounts which are due and payable to JDZF on or before August 31, 2023 under the deferral agreement dated May 13, 2022; (iii) the 2021 July Deferred Amounts which are due and payable to JDZF on or before August 31, 2023 under the deferral agreement dated July 30, 2021; and (iv) the 2020 November Deferred Amounts which are due and payable to JDZF on or before August 31, 2023 under the deferral agreement dated November 19, 2020, in each case until August 31, 2024. The Company expects to convene a special meeting of shareholders in the second quarter of 2023 to seek disinterested shareholder approval of the 2023 March Deferral Agreement; (b) communicating with vendors in agreeing repayment plans of the outstanding payable; (c) continuously assessing through communication with MTA its acceptability to a prolonged settlement schedule of the outstanding tax payable and making settlement based on that assessment and the liquidity position of the Company; and (d) obtaining an avenue of financial support from an affiliate of the Company's major shareholder for a maximum amount of $73.0 million during the period covered in the cash flow projection. Regarding these plans and measures, there is no guarantee that the suppliers and MTA would agree the settlement plan as communicated by the Company. Nevertheless, after considering the above, the directors of the Company believe that there will be sufficient financial resources to continue its operations and to meet its financial obligations as and when they fall due in the next 12 months from December 31, 2022 and therefore are satisfied that it is appropriate to prepare the consolidated financial statements on a going concern basis.
Factors that impact the Company's liquidity are being closely monitored and include, but are not limited to, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, restrictions on the Company's ability to import its coal products for sale in China, Chinese economic growth, market prices of coal, production levels, operating cash costs, capital costs, exchange rates of currencies of countries where the Company operates and exploration and discretionary expenditures.
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
In response to the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases in Ejinaqi, a region in China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, reported in late October 2021, the local government authorities imposed stringent preventive measures throughout the region, including the temporary closure of the Ceke Port of Entry located at the border of Mongolia and China. Accordingly, the Company's coal exports into China were suspended from November 2021 to May 2022.
On May 25, 2022, the Ceke Port of Entry re-opened for coal export on a trial basis, with a limited number of trucks permitted to cross the border during the trial period.
Since May 25, 2022, the number of trucks permitted to cross the Chinese-Mongolian border, as well as the volume of coal exports, have increased. As a result, the Company has gradually resumed mining operations beginning on July 15, 2022.
The Company has been proactively adjusting its sales strategy and exploring opportunities to expand its sales. Although the export of coal from Mongolia to China has resumed as of the date hereof, there can be no guarantee that the Company will be able to continue exporting coal to China, or the Chinese-Mongolian border crossings would not be the subject of additional closure as a result of COVID-19 or any variants thereof in the future.
Convertible Debenture
In November 2009, the Company entered into a financing agreement with CIC for $500 million in the form of a secured, convertible debenture bearing interest at 8.0% (6.4% payable semi-annually in cash and 1.6% payable annually in the Company's Common Shares) with a maximum term of 30 years. The Convertible Debenture is secured by a first ranking charge over the Company's assets, including shares of its material subsidiaries. The financing was used primarily to support the accelerated investment program in Mongolia and for working capital, repayment of debts, general and administrative expenses and other general corporate purposes.
On March 29, 2010, the Company exercised its right to call for the conversion of up to $250.0 million of the Convertible Debenture into approximately 21.5 million shares at a conversion price of $11.64 (CA$11.88).
On July 30, 2021, the Company and CIC entered into the 2021 July Deferral Agreement which became effective on that day, pursuant to which CIC agreed to grant the Company a deferral of the 2021 Deferred Amounts payable to CIC on November 19, 2021 under the Convertible Debenture.
The principal terms of the 2021 July Deferral Agreement are as follows:
- Payment of the 2021 Deferred Amounts will be deferred until August 31, 2023.
- As consideration for the deferral of the 2021 Deferred Amounts, the Company agreed to pay CIC a deferral fee equal to 6.4% per annum on the 2021 Deferred Amounts payable under the Convertible Debenture, commencing on November 19, 2021.
On May 13, 2022, the Company and CIC entered into the 2022 May Deferral Agreement, pursuant to which CIC agreed to grant the Company a deferral of (i) semi-annual cash interest payments of $7.9 million payable to CIC on May 19, 2022 (the "Deferred Amounts"); and (ii) the management fee which payable to CIC on February 14, 2022 and August 14, 2022 (the "Deferred Management Fee") under the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement (collectively, the "2022 Deferred Amounts") under the Convertible Debenture.
The principal terms of the 2022 May Deferral Agreement are as follows:
- Payment of the 2022 Deferred Amounts will be deferred until August 31, 2023.
- As consideration for the deferral of the 2022 Deferred Amounts, the Company agreed to pay CIC a deferral fee equal to 6.4% per annum on the Deferred Amounts payable under the Convertible Debenture, commencing on May 19, 2022.
- As consideration for the deferral of the Deferred Management Fees, the Company agreed to pay CIC a deferral fee equal to 2.5% per annum on the outstanding balance of the Deferred Management Fees payable under the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement, commencing on the date on which each such 2022 May Deferred Management Fee would otherwise have been due and payable under the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement.
- The Company agreed to provide CIC with monthly updates regarding its operational and financial affairs.
- If at any time before the 2022 Deferred Amounts and related deferral fee are fully repaid, the Company proposes to appoint, replace or terminate one or more of its chief executive officer, its chief financial officer or any other senior executive(s) in charge of its principal business function or its principal subsidiary, the Company will first consult with, and obtain written consent (such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) from CIC prior to effecting such appointment, replacement or termination.
- The Company and CIC agreed that nothing in the 2022 May Deferral Agreement prejudices CIC's rights to pursue any of its remedies at any time pursuant to the prior deferral agreements.
Following the completion of the CIC Sale Transaction on August 30, 2022, the respective rights and obligations of CIC under (i) the Convertible Debenture and related security documents; (ii) the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement and related documents; (iii) the deferral agreements between CIC, the Company and certain of its subsidiaries in connection with the deferral of interest payments and other outstanding fees under the Convertible Debenture and the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement; and (iv) the security holders agreement between the Company, CIC and a former shareholder of the Company, were assigned to JDZF.
On November 11, 2022, the Company and JDZF entered into the 2022 November Deferral Agreement pursuant to which JDZF agreed to grant the Company a deferral of: (i) semi-annual cash interest payments of $7.1 million payable to JDZF on November 19, 2022; (ii) $1.1 million in PIK Interest shares issuable to JDZF on November 19, 2022 under the Convertible Debenture; and (iii) the management fees payable to JDZF on November 15, 2022, February 15, 2023, May 16, 2023 and August 15, 2023 under the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement.
The principal terms of the 2022 November Deferral Agreement are as follows:
- Payment of the 2022 November Deferred Interest and the 2022 November Deferred Management Fees will be deferred until November 19, 2023.
- As consideration for the deferral of the 2022 November Deferred Interest, the Company agreed to pay JDZF a deferral fee equal to 6.4% per annum on the 2022 November Deferred Interest payable under the Convertible Debenture, commencing on November 19, 2022.
- As consideration for the deferral of the 2022 November Deferred Management Fees, the Company agreed to pay JDZF a deferral fee equal to 1.5% per annum on the outstanding balance of the 2022 Deferred Management Fees payable under the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement, commencing on the date on which each such 2022 November Deferred Management Fees would otherwise have been due and payable under the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement.
- If at any time before the 2022 November Deferred Interest and the 2022 November Deferred Management Fees and related deferral fees are fully repaid, the Company proposes to appoint, replace or terminate one or more of its chief executive officer, its chief financial officer or any other senior executive(s) in charge of its principal business function or its principal subsidiary, the Company will first consult with, and obtain written consent (such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) from JDZF prior to effecting such appointment, replacement or termination.
- The Company agreed to comply with all of its obligations under the prior deferral agreements assigned to JDZF.
- The Company and JDZF agreed that nothingin the 2022 NovemberDeferral Agreementprejudices JDZF's rights to pursue any of its remedies at any time pursuant to the prior deferral agreements.
On March 24, 2023, the Company and JDZF entered into the 2023 March Deferral Agreement pursuant to which JDZF agreed to grant the Company a deferral of (i) the cash interest payment of approximately $7.9 million which will be due and payable on May 19, 2023 under the Convertible Debenture; (ii) the cash interest, management fees, and related deferral fees of approximately $8.7 million which are due and payable to JDZF on or before August 31, 2023 under the deferral agreement dated May 13, 2022; (iii) the cash and PIK Interest, and related deferral fees of approximately $13.5 million which are due and payable to JDZF on or before August 31, 2023 under the deferral agreement dated July 30, 2021; and (iv) the cash and PIK Interest, management fees, and related deferral fees of approximately $110.4 million which are due and payable to JDZF on or before August 31, 2023 under the deferral agreement dated November 19, 2020.
The effectiveness of the 2023 March Deferral Agreement and the respective covenants, agreements and obligations of each party under the 2023 March Deferral Agreement are subject to the approvals from the TSX and the shareholders of the Company in accordance with the requirements of Section 501(c) of the TSX Company Manual and the HKEX listing rules.
The principal terms of the 2023 March Deferral Agreement are as follows:
- Payment of the 2023 March Deferred Amounts will be deferred until August 31, 2024.
- As consideration for the deferral of the 2023 March Deferred Amounts which relate to the payment obligations arising from the Convertible Debenture, the Company agreed to pay JDZF a deferral fee equal to 6.4% per annum on the outstanding balance of such March 2023 Deferred Amounts, commencing on the date on which each such 2023 March Deferred Amounts would otherwise have been due and payable under the Convertible Debenture.
- As consideration for the deferral of the 2023 March Deferred Amounts which relate to payment obligations arising from the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement, the Company agreed to pay JDZF a deferral fee equal to 1.5% per annum on the outstanding balance of such 2023 March Deferred Amounts commencing on the date on which each such 2023 March Deferred Amounts would otherwise have been due and payable under the Amended and Restated Cooperation Agreement.
- The 2023 March Deferral Agreement does not contemplate a fixed repayment schedule for the 2023 March Deferred Amounts or related deferral fees. Instead, the 2023 March Deferral Agreement requires the Company to use its best efforts to pay the 2023 March Deferred Amounts and related deferral fees due and payable under the March 2023 Deferral Agreement to JDZF. During the period beginning as of the effective date of the 2023 March Deferral Agreement and ending as of the Deferral Date, the Company will provide JDZF with monthly updates of its financial status and business operations, and the Company and JDZF will on a monthly basis discuss and assess in good faith the amount (if any) of the 2023 March Deferred Amounts and related deferral fees that the Company may be able to repay to JDZF, having regard to the working capital requirements of the Company's operations and business at such time and with the view of ensuring that the Company's operations and business would not be materially prejudiced as a result of any repayment.
- If at any time before the 2023 March Deferred Amounts and related deferral fees are fully repaid, the Company proposes to appoint, replace or terminate one or more of its chief executive officer, its chief financial officer or any other senior executive(s) in charge of its principal business function or its principal subsidiary, the Company will first consult with, and obtain written consent (such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) from JDZF prior to effecting such appointment, replacement or termination.
The Company is convening a special meeting of Shareholders in the second quarter of 2023 to seek disinterested Shareholder approval of the 2023 March Deferral Agreement.
In November 2022, the Company issued 20,947,603 Common Shares to JDZF in accordance with the terms of the Convertible Debenture at an issuance price of CA$0.185 per Common Share as settlement of $2.9 million in outstanding PIK Interest owing by the Company to JDZF under the Convertible Debenture and related deferral agreements.
Ovoot Tolgoi Mine Impairment Analysis
The Company determined that an indicator of impairment existed for its Ovoot Tolgoi Mine cash generating unit as at December 31, 2022. The impairment indicator was the fact that the Company suffered loss for the year.
Therefore, the Company conducted an impairment test whereby the carrying value of the Company's Ovoot Tolgoi Mine cash generating unit was compared to the recoverable amount (being the "fair value less costs of disposal") using a discounted future cash flow valuation model. The Company's cash flow valuation model takes into consideration the latest available information to the Company, including but not limited to, sales prices, sales volumes, washing production, operating costs and life of mine coal production estimates as at December 31, 2022. The carrying value of the Company's Ovoot Tolgoi Mine cash generating unit was $119.3 million as at December 31, 2022.
Key estimates and assumptions incorporated in the valuation model included the following:
- Coal resources and reserves as estimated by an independent third party engineering firm;
- Sales price estimates from an independent market consulting firm;
- Forecastedsales volumes in line with production levels as reference to the mine plan;
- Life-of-mine coal production, strip ratio, capital costs and operating costs; and
- A post-tax discount rate of 19% based on an analysis of the market, country and asset specific factors.
Key sensitivities in the valuation model are as follows:
- For each 1% increase/(decrease) in the long term price estimates, the calculated fair value of the cash generating unit increases/(decreases) by approximately $10.6/(10.5) million;
- For each 1% increase/(decrease) in the post-tax discount rate, the calculated fair value of the cash generating unit (decreases)/increases by approximately $(12.9)/13.8 million;
- For each 1% increase/(decrease) in the cash mining cost estimates, the calculated fair value of the cash generating unit (decreases)/increases by approximately $(5.8)/5.9 million; and
- For each 1% increase/(decrease) in Mongolian inflation rate, the calculated fair value of the cash generating unit (decreases)/increases by approximately $(31.2)/27.9 million.
The impairment analysis did not result in the identification of an impairment loss or an impairment reversal and no charge or reversal was required as at December 31, 2022. A decline of 18% (2021: 15%) in the long-term price estimates, an increase of more than 26% (2021: 19%) in the post-tax discount rate, an increase of 33% (2021: 27%) in the cash mining cost estimates or an increase of 95% (2021: 62%) in Mongolian inflation rate may trigger an impairment charge on the cash generating unit. The Company believes that the estimates and assumptions incorporated in the impairment analysis are reasonable; however, the estimates and assumptions are subject to significant uncertainties and judgments.
Class Action Lawsuit
In January 2014, Siskinds LLP, a Canadian law firm, filed a class action (the "Class Action") against the Company, certain of its former senior officers and directors, and its former auditors (the "Former Auditors"), in the Ontario Court in relation to the Company's restatement of certain financial statements previously disclosed in the Company's public fillings (the "Restatement").
To commence and proceed with the Class Action, the plaintiff was required to seek leave of the Court under the Ontario Securities Act ("Leave Motion") and certify the action as a class proceeding under the Ontario Class Proceedings Act. The Ontario Court rendered its decision on the Leave Motion on November 5, 2015, dismissing the action against the former senior officers and directors and allowing the action to proceed against the Company in respect of alleged misrepresentation affecting trades in the secondary market for the Company's securities arising from the Restatement. The action against the Former Auditors was settled by the plaintiff on the eve of the Leave Motion.
Both the plaintiff and the Company appealed the Leave Motion decision to the Ontario Court of Appeal. On September 18, 2017, the Ontario Court of Appeal dismissed the Company's appeal of the Leave Motion to permit the plaintiff to commence and proceed with the Class Action. Concurrently, the Ontario Court of Appeal granted leave for the plaintiff to proceed with their action against the former senior officers and directors in relation to the Restatement.
The Company filed an application for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada in November 2017, but the leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada was dismissed in June 2018.
In December 2018, the parties agreed to a consent Certification Order, whereby the action against the former senior officers and directors was withdrawn and the Class Action would only proceed against the Company.
Counsel for the plaintiff and defendants have agreed on and the case management judge has ordered a trial to commence in December 2022 (subject to Court availability). To accomplish all steps necessary for trial preparation, counsels have agreed to the following proposed schedule under the case management of the judge: (i) document production and pleading amendments by October 31, 2021; (ii) oral examinations for discovery ending by December 31, 2022; (iii) expert reports of plaintiff by July 31, 2022 and by defendants, on damages and liability in early May 2023, respectively; and (iv) pre-trial agreements, filings and motions by September 2023. The Company has urged a trial as early as possible.
The Company firmly believes that it has a strong defense on the merits and will continue to vigorously defend itself against the Class Action through independent Canadian litigation counsel retained by the Company for this purpose. Due to the inherent uncertainties of litigation, it is not possible to predict the final outcome of the Class Action or determine the amount of potential losses, if any. However, the Company has determined that a provision for this matter as at December 31, 2022 and 2021 was not required.
Toll Wash Plant