par DAO Metaplayer - Ultimate Web3 Network and Marketplace

DUBAI, UAE / ACCESSWIRE / November 15, 2023 / MetaPlayerOne, a revolutionary Web3 project, is launching, a fascinating merge of Metaplayerone Web3 Social Network with LLM to create an advanced web3 generative AI working as a web3 marketplace, metaverse maker and NFT product offering designer for a business brand.

In an age where artificial intelligence is fundamentally reshaping our interactions, work processes, and creative endeavors, Soika Mockingjay

AI emerges as a game-changing innovation - an ultimate web3 AI, acting as an NFT marketplace, web3 metaverse maker, token centric social network and many more. now is connected to the Metaplayerone Web3 Social Network - the global web3 communication app for token based communities, the first full scale web3 social network, all activity on the network constitutes the Soika AI knowledge base to have the most advanced data of token related values. serves as your pilot when you want to engage with other Web3 communities or specific token holders. It can create content from scratch, deploy it on the blockchain, recognize rarity levels, generate descriptions and names, and even produce images and other media content related to it. Additionally, Soika AI can formulate promotional strategies, establish and activate community channels within the MetaPlayerOne social network, and share and repost content across targeted communities. It is a metaverse maker, capable of minting a metaverse as NFT for the project and driving traffic to the opening event, running a marketplace in meta. In essence, Soika is like a web3 market driven interactive and creative AI, capable of taking action leveraging social networks to market products and projects.

It's a digital visionary that empowers businesses to create NFT product offerings or loyalty programs from scratch. It is the first AI as a web3 marketplace. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned brand, Soika Mockingjay opens doors to a world of possibilities. It starts with a simple idea or concept, and from there, Soika's capabilities take the reins. It transforms mere thoughts into tangible, tradable digital assets, ready to be unleashed into the NFT ecosystem. One of Soika's most remarkable feats is its ability to not only generate NFT collections but also deploy and promote them. Imagine having an AI assistant that not only designs your NFT artwork but also handles the intricacies of blockchain deployment and even spearheads promotional efforts across various NFT communities. Soika Mockingjay isn't just a tool; it's your partner in navigating the complex world of NFTs. It's not just an AI; it's a pioneer in executing tasks, communicating with other AI agents, making payments in cryptocurrency.

With a single click, the Web3 Metaverse Maker lets businesses create token-gated events, NFT marketplaces, expos, entertainment hubs, and more, all seamlessly integrated into their profiles on MetaPlayerOne's Smart Social Network.

Yet, capabilities don't stop at creation and distribution - it also excels as an intelligent promotional tool. Employing advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques, Soika AI knows specific token holders, can target them, unlock benefits, can analyze web3 trends and NFT holder's behaviors, match users, products and services by interest, crafting highly targeted promotion strategies that amplify reach and engagement.

Soika is also an AI aggregator protocol specially designed to aggregate AI agents using smart contacts, assign them a task and pay in crypto, and the most importantly, delivers GPU endpoint and the storage endpoint to the agent, so execution AI agent can avoid GPU, storage expenses, they also don't have headaches with payment system and marketing expenses anymore.

Effortless Hosting of Soika is available for Enterprises - a forked Soika AI model with a full focus on enterprise needs. The Soika as a solution is a brilliant way to keep your data safe and secure being able to communicate or use the other Ai agents or even sell data via smart contract on Metaplayerone EVM Chain - Soika Protocol.

Enzo Amur, a 1x Contributor at MetaPlayerOne, commented on the launch, stating, "We are at a turning point in the digital age, where AI is not just an assistant but a creator and promoter. With Soika AI, we are pioneering this shift. Soika is a multifaceted platform that leverages AI, blockchain, Web3, and social networking to create, manage, and promote content and communities. This is just the beginning, and we are excited about the future."

DAO Metaplayer

Enzo Amur

UAE, Dubai

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