Quadient SA - Approval of all resolutions by the combined Shareholders’ meeting of 14 June 2024

Approval of all resolutions by the combined Shareholders’ meeting of 14 June 2024

Paris, 17 June 2024

Quadient (Euronext Paris: QDT) is a French-based intelligent automation company with c.15% of its revenues in France and mainly exposed to North American, where it generated 57% of its revenue during the fiscal year 2023. With three synergistic activities and a mainly subscription-based business model, the Company generates 70% of its sales in the form of recurring revenues. Following the conclusion of its Back to Growth strategy, announced in March 2024, Quadient will publish its new strategic plan on 19 June 2024. Full details are available on the Group's website:  Capital Markets Day.  

The combined Annual General Meeting of Quadient  was held on 14 June 2024, under the chairmanship of Mr. Didier Lamouche. All submitted resolutions were ratified, with an attendance rate of 74.19% (quorum for ordinary and extraordinary resolutions).

The Annual General Meeting approved the renewal of the three-year terms of directorship of Hélène BouletSupau, Geoffrey Godet, Richard Troksa. Vincent Mercier’s directorship was renewed for an 18-month term, until 31 December 2025. The Annual General Meeting also approved the co-option and approved the renewal for a three-year term of Bpifrance Investissement, represented by Emmanuel Blot.


Following the Annual General Meeting, at a meeting held on the same day, the Board of Directors reappointed Geoffrey Godet as Chief Executive Officer for the duration of his directorship and decided on the composition of the Board's committees. 

The composition of the Board of Directors and its committees is as follows:

-          Didier Lamouche, director and Chairman of the Board of directors; 

-          Geoffrey Godet, director and Chief Executive Officer; 

-          Martha Bejar, director and chairwoman of the Appointments and remuneration committee;

-          Hélène Boulet-Supau, director and chairwoman of the Audit committee;

-          Richard Troksa, director and chairman of the Strategy & ESG committee;

-          Bpifrance Investissement, represented by Emmanuel Blot, director and member of the Strategy & ESG committee;

-          Éric Courteille, director and member of the Audit and Strategy & ESG committees;

-          Paula Felstead, director and member of the Audit committee;

-          Vincent Mercier, director and member of the Appointments and remuneration committee;

-          Nathalie Wright, director and member of the Strategy & ESG and Appointments & remuneration Committees;

-          Valérie Colin, employee representative director;

-          Christophe Liaudon, employee representative director.

The Annual General Meeting approved the resolutions concerning the remuneration for fiscal year 2023 and the remuneration policy for fiscal year 2024 for the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer and all directors.

The Annual General Meeting also approved the appointment of Ernst & Young et Autres and Mazars S.A. as Statutory Auditors in charge of certifying sustainability information. 



The Annual General Meeting also renewed all delegations of authority and financial authorizations granted to the Board of Directors. The Annual General Meeting also approved the payment of a cash dividend of 0.65 euro per share. The dividend will be paid in a single instalment on 7 August 2024.   

Consolidated       voting     results    are          available                on           the          Quadient               Investor Relations                website (


On [1]3 September 2024, Quadient will publish its first half-year 2024 results. 

About Quadient®


Quadient is the driving force behind the world’s most meaningful customer experiences. By focusing on three key solution areas, Intelligent Communication Automation, Parcel Locker Solutions and Mail-Related Solutions, Quadient helps simplify the connection between people and what matters. Quadient supports hundreds of thousands of customers worldwide in their quest to create relevant, personalized connections and achieve customer experience excellence. Quadient is listed in compartment B of Euronext Paris (QDT) and is part of the CAC® Mid & Small and EnterNext® Tech 40 indices. Quadient shares are eligible for PEA-PME investing.

For more information about Quadient, visit


Catherine Hubert-Dorel, Quadient

+33 (0)1 45 36 30 56

OPRG Financial

Isabelle Laurent / Fabrice Baron

+33 (0)1 53 32 61 51 /+33 (0)1 53 32 61 27

Caroline Baude, Quadient

+33 (0)1 45 36 31 82

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