Publication of the 2023 universal registration document

Paris, 21 March 2024 

Publication of the 2023 universal registration document


Neoen (ISIN Code: FR0011675362, ticker: NEOEN), one of the world’s leading independent producers of exclusively renewable energy, is announcing the publication of its 2023 universal registration document, filed with the French Financial Markets Authority (Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF)) on March 21, 2024.

It is available to the public as provided for in the regulations in force and may be downloaded from the

“Investors - Publications – Reports” section of Neoen’s website ( and the AMF’s ( website.

This document includes the 2023 annual financial report, the corporate governance report, the Statutory Auditors’ reports and information concerning their fees, as well as the non-financial performance statement prepared on a voluntary basis.

Furthermore, the universal registration document is also published in European single electronic format (ESEF), including the primary financial statements and accompanying notes marked up with XBRL tags.

An English version is also available on Neoen’s website.




About Neoen

Founded in 2008, Neoen is one of the world’s leading independent producers of exclusively renewable energy. With proven expertise in solar power, wind power and storage, the company plays an active role in the energy transition by producing and supplying competitive, green, local energy on four continents. After a six-fold increase in the last six years, its capacity in operation and under construction stands at 8.0 GW.  

Neoen’s flagship operations are France’s most powerful solar farm (300 MWp) in Cestas, Finland’s largest wind farm (404 MW) in Mutkalampi, one of the world’s most competitive solar plants in Mexico (El Llano, 375 MWp) and two of the world’s most powerful large-scale storage plants, both in Australia: Hornsdale Power Reserve (150 MW/193.5 MWh storage capacity) and the Victorian Big Battery (300 MW/450 MWh).  

A high-growth company, Neoen is targeting 10 GW in operation or under construction by the end of 2025. Neoen is listed in Compartment A of Euronext’s regulated market in Paris (ISIN code: FR0011675362, Ticker: NEOEN) and on the SBF 120 and CAC Mid 60 indexes.  

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