par EasyMotionSkin Tec AG (isin : LI1147158318)
Original-Research: EasyMotionSkin Tec AG (von GBC AG):
Original-Research: EasyMotionSkin Tec AG - von GBC AG
Einstufung von GBC AG zu EasyMotionSkin Tec AG
Unternehmen: EasyMotionSkin Tec AG
ISIN: LI1147158318
Anlass der Studie: Research Comment
Letzte Ratingänderung:
Analyst: Matthias Greiffenberger, Marcel Schaffer
EasyMotionSkin Tec AG is expanding its portfolio with the acquisition of milongroup, a strategic move that solidifies the company's position in the healthcare sector. As part of this development, mid-term forecast adjustments are currently underway.
At an extraordinary general meeting, EasyMotionSkin Tec AG greenlit the acquisition of milongroup, marking a significant expansion of the company's offerings in the realm of healthcare solutions. To facilitate this growth, the company increased its share capital from 1.00 million CHF to 2.92 million CHF. This was achieved through the issuance of 19.20 million new registered shares, each with a nominal value of 0.10 CHF per share and an issue price of 5.8325 CHF per share, against a contribution in kind. An expert report assessed the company value of Milongroup at 111.98 million CHF. Milongroup, operating in the fitness and healthcare sector, achieved a revenue of 29.44 million euros in the last fiscal year, with a net profit of 1.02 million euros. Milongroup is known for its high-quality, highly digitized fitness equipment in the B2B segment. The integration of milongroup presents significant growth opportunities through cross-selling, expanding into new customer segments, internationalization, and digitization. This strategic move transforms EasyMotionSkin into a holistic healthcare provider, serving both the B2B and B2C segments and expanding its product offerings.
Milongroup stands as a leading provider in the professional training sector, bringing together the brands milon and five. The company offers comprehensive training solutions to studios and healthcare facilities worldwide, characterized by innovative equipment and modern methodologies. The training philosophy is grounded in contemporary sports science and physiotherapeutic knowledge, delivering an ideal blend of strength and flexibility training suitable for people of all ages and fitness goals. This approach enables personalized and effective training for operators, trainers, and trainees. Furthermore, their electronically controlled Q-devices are registered as active medical devices and adhere to the European Medical Device Regulation (MDR), making them suitable for use in hospitals and clinics.
The strategic move's objective is to establish a comprehensive health technology conglomerate dedicated to enhancing well-being in various domains, including physical fitness, agility, health, and the potential extension of individuals' lifespans.
The acquisition has brought significant changes to the company's outlook and scale. We anticipate releasing a new mid-term forecast in the near future.
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Date (time) of completion: 18.10.2023 (19:10) Date (time) of first distribution: 19.10.2023 (11:00)
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