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Press release


ABIONYX Pharma announces unanimous approval 

of all resolutions put to the vote at its  Combined General Meeting

Toulouse, FRANCE, Lakeland MI, USA, June 27th, 2024, 7:00 p.m. CEST - ABIONYX Pharma, (FR0012616852 - ABNX - PEA PME eligible), ), a new generation biotech company dedicated to the discovery and development of innovative therapies based on the world’s only natural recombinant apoA-I, announces that all resolutions presented at its Combined General Meeting were unanimously approved.

Among the resolutions adopted were the renewal of the mandate of M. Christian Chavy as Director and the mandate of BPI FRANCE Participations as censor, represented by M. Olivier Martinez, for a 3year term. Shareholders also approved the renewal of the share buyback program and of the liquidity contract. 

ABIONYX Pharma would like to thank all shareholders present, represented or having voted by post for their commitment and support at this General Meeting. 

The minutes of the General Meeting and the results of the votes by resolution are available on the Company's website in the ShareholderMeetingsection.


About ABIONYX Pharma

ABIONYX Pharma is a next-generation biotech company focused on developing innovative medicines for diseases where there is no effective or existing treatment, even the rarest ones. The company expedites the development of novel therapeutics through an extensive expertise in lipid science and a differentiated apoA-I-based technology platform. ABIONYX Pharma is committed to radically improving treatment outcomes in Sepsis and critical care. 



Investor relations 

Louis-Victor Delouvrier 

Nicolas Fossiez 

+33 (0)1 44 71 98 53  


Media relations  Arthur Rouillé 

+33 (0)1 44 71 94 98  


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