Paris, January 25, 2024

Eurazeo has appointed two new members to the Group Management Committee:

•     Isabelle Mathieu is joining Eurazeo as Group Chief Human Resources Officer •    Coralie Savin is joining Eurazeo as Group Chief Communications Officer

Isabelle Mathieu will lead the Group’s efforts to develop its talent and increase the appeal of its employer brand. In particular, she will be tasked with accelerating the adoption of Group-wide HR policies and processes, supporting Eurazeo’s international expansion policy and helping to fulfill its commitment to diversity and inclusion in terms of its talent. She will apply all of her expertise to developing human capital and creating value for Eurazeo and the companies in its portfolio. Isabelle Mathieu will report to Gabriel Kunde, Group General Secretary. 

Coralie Savin will head up Eurazeo’s communications team, helping to promote and develop the Group’s strategic plan among its shareholders, clients, staff members and ecosystem. Her role will be to make the most of the expertise in each business area and asset class in which the Group operates. She will support the communications strategy of portfolio companies and highlight Eurazeo’s pioneering commitment and leadership in terms of impact. Coralie Savin will report to Christophe Bavière and William Kadouch-Chassaing, the Group’s co-CEOs. 



These new appointments complete a far-reaching overhaul of Eurazeo’s corporate structure, which the Executive Board began in 2023 by merging the Group’s French asset management companies. It has included the appointments of Laurence Branthomme as Chief Financial Officer and Head of Operations and Gabriel Kunde as Group General Secretary in charge of legal affairs, human resources and general resources, along with the creation of a new Risk Management and Internal Audit Department led by Pierre-Alain Aubin, and a new Compliance Department headed by Sylviane Guyonnet, who is also Deputy CEO of Eurazeo Global Investor. 

Christophe Bavière and William Kadouch-Chassaing, co-CEOs, said: 

“We are proud to welcome Isabelle Mathieu and Coralie Savin to Eurazeo at a time when the Group is entering a new phase, developing and scaling up its business model. We are delighted that such respected, experienced figures have decided to join Eurazeo, applying their talent and commitment in service of a Group whose ambition is to create Europe’s leading alternative asset manager in the midmarket, growth and impact segments.”

Isabelle Mathieu and Coralie Savin will take up their roles on February 5 and March 4, 2024 respectively.  


1 rue Georges Berger – 75017 Paris




imageIsabelle Mathieu is a human resources professional who is well known in her field after a 30-year career in which she has led the HR departments of prestigious financial and professional services organizations (BNPP, Exane, PwC France, Axa Investment Managers). In those roles, she has acquired highlevel skills in business transformation, business development, mergers and the onboarding and development of talent, which will be vital in realizing Eurazeo’s ambitious strategic plan.

imageCoralie Savin is a leading figure in the corporate communications industry and is currently President of TBWA\Corporate, having previously held roles as Head of Communications at Lazard Frères, Head of Corporate Communications at the BNP Paribas group and Partner at Havas Paris. She will seek to develop Eurazeo’s reputation through her experience in the financial sector, along with her in-depth knowledge of the business world and the communications and CSR issues that businesses face.



•       Eurazeo is a leading European investment group, with a diversified portfolio of €33.5 billion in assets under management, including €23 billion managed on behalf of institutional and retail investors through its private equity, private debt, real estate and infrastructure strategies. Eurazeo works with more than 600 mid-market businesses, supporting their development through the commitment of over 400 professionals and offering sector expertise, a gateway to global markets via 12 offices in Europe, Asia and the United States, and a responsible and stable foothold for transformational growth. Its solid institutional and family shareholder base and robust financial position enable it to take a long-term approach. 

•       Eurazeo has offices in Paris, New York, London, Frankfurt, Berlin, Milan, Madrid, Luxembourg, Shanghai, Seoul, Singapore and São Paulo. 

•       Eurazeo is listed on Euronext Paris. 

•       ISIN: FR0000121121 - Bloomberg: RF FP - Reuters: EURA.PA



Stéphanie Maria-Bajard


+33 (0)1 44 15 80 44

Pierre Bernardin


+33 (0)1 44 15 16 76


David Sturken


+44 (0) 7990 595 913


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