Bauer Stadium : REALITES entering Exclusive Negotiations with TODD INTERESTS



Bauer Stadium : REALITES entering Exclusive Negotiations  with TODD INTERESTS

Saint-Herblain, July 10, 2024. The real estate group REALITES announces that it has entered into an exclusive agreement with the TODD INTERESTS group concerning the transfer of the Bauer Stadium operation and the transfer of the stadium itself. The possibility of including a yet-to-be-determined area in the "Bauer Box" project is being considered as part of the deal.


Both groups share the same overall vision for the project in the service of the city, the Club, the supporters, and all the residents. The exclusivity period between the two companies extends until September 2024.

The site is undergoing works for both the Bauer Stadium (which will be expanded to 9,834 seats) and Bauer Box (30,600 m2) which are progressing as planned. As a training site for the 2024 Olympic Games, the stadium will continue to host the home games of Red Star FC, which will be playing in Ligue 2 next season.


Founded in 2003 by Yoann Choin-Joubert, its curent CEO, REALITES is a real estate developer that builds useful real estate solutions that create attractiveness and economic development with and for cities and metropolises. Housing, offices, serviced residences, health centers, daycares, shops… in all our projects, we consider the need and operation before the construction. For this, the Group has comprehensive expertise ranging from design to operation, including development, investment, and management.

The first real estate developer to become a "mission-driven company" in France in 2021, REALITES is a committed real estate player that reconciles profit and collective interest, supported by a Mission Committee composed of recognized experts.

With an ambitious development strategy in France (through 7 regional offices) and internationally (Morocco, Senegal, Portugal), REALITES achieved a 15% increase in revenue in 2023, reaching €402 million.

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Press contact:

REALITES - Matthieu Maury: 336 80 12 29 94 –

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