sur Zomedica Corp. (NASDAQ:ZOM)

Zomedica Corp. Announces Transition to OTCQB Venture Market

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Zomedica Corp. (EBR:ZOM).

Zomedica Corp., a veterinary health company, will have its common shares delisted from the NYSE American exchange. The transition is due to the company's shares not meeting Section 1003(f)(v) requirements because of low selling prices. On March 5, 2025, Zomedica's shares will begin trading on the OTCQB Venture Market under the ticker symbol "ZOMDF".

CEO Larry Heaton expressed disappointment but highlighted the continued investor engagement and focus on growth in veterinary products. The company's asset value and growth potential remain unchanged. Zomedica commits to shareholder value and innovation in animal health.

Zomedica will continue filing periodic reports with the SEC, complying with regulatory requirements, and offering real-time data access through OTC Markets and its investor page.

R. E.

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