sur Yunu
Yunu Introduces Advanced Imaging Workflow for Investigator-Initiated Trials
Yunu has announced the expansion of its clinical trial imaging, reading, and data management platform, specifically tailored for investigator-initiated trials (IITs). This technology enables Principal Investigators (PIs) to quickly set up trial sites, expand trials to diverse communities, and manage data in real-time via a comprehensive cloud-based platform.
The platform addresses common challenges in multi-site IITs, such as logistical issues, communication barriers, and administrative complexities, by offering a unified system that supports seamless collaboration and coordination of research. Yunu's platform is already utilized in over 20% of NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers, indicating significant adoption within the industry.
Gordon Harris, Chief Science Officer and co-founder of Yunu, emphasized the platform’s role in transforming clinical trials by providing a connected, efficient and technology-driven workflow. This innovation not only accelerates the process of translating scientific discoveries to real-world applications but also makes trials more accessible and easier to manage across multiple sites.
R. P.
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