sur Xlife Sciences AG (isin : CH0461929603)

Xlife Sciences AG Announces Upcoming Listing of FUSE-AI GmbH

Zurich, 21st November 2024: Xlife Sciences AG has announced the planned listing of their portfolio company, FUSE-AI GmbH, on the London Stock Exchange. The decision followed a unanimous shareholder resolution on November 20, 2024, with the listing expected in the first half of 2025. The process will involve collaboration with a consortium and selected institutional investors.

FUSE-AI GmbH, based in Hamburg, specializes in AI software for the clinical sector. The company has gained traction with its product,, significantly enhancing MRI image analysis for radiologists by reducing error rates from 14% to 1% and saving over 30% time. The software is already distributed in over 42 countries.

The listing aims to support FUSE-AI's expansion, adding new cancer detection indications every 6-9 months. CEO Oliver R. Baumann views this as a milestone for both FUSE-AI and Xlife Sciences AG's strategy on market-ready innovations.

R. H.

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