sur Xironetic
Xironetic Appoints Jeff Potts to Chief Technology Officer
OKLAHOMA CITY, OK / ACCESSWIRE / June 19, 2024 / Xironetic, a provider of augmented reality surgical guidance technology, has announced the appointment of Jeff Potts as Chief Technology Officer.
"I am thrilled to announce Jeff's selection to the role of CTO as our company sees rapidly increasing clinical adoption by surgeons at leading healthcare institutions across the globe," said Dr. Christian El-Amm, Founder and Executive Chairman of Xironetic. "Jeff's technology and product development expertise have been instrumental in our success, and we are excited for him to take on this new role as we start a new chapter in our company's growth."
Jeff is appointed to CTO following two years with Xironetic as VP of Engineering, where he led the development of the company's first FDA-cleared product, IntraOpVSP. Prior to Xironetic, he led a global team at Baker Hughes focused on new product development leveraging artificial intelligence and augmented reality.
"Two years ago, I joined Xironetic to seize an incredible opportunity to apply my technology expertise towards directly improving people's lives," said Potts. "In that timeframe, the benefits of this technology to both patients and surgeons have become clear, and we have seen an inflection point in surgical utilization."
R. E.
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