sur Xebra Brands Ltd (isin : CA98402E1079)
Xebra Brands Reveals 2025 Strategic Roadmap for CBD Market
Xebra Brands Ltd. has announced its Strategic 2025 Roadmap to enhance its presence in the North American CBD market. Formulated in collaboration with a specialized consulting firm, the roadmap aims to accelerate growth and market entry through three main pillars: Cultivation, Manufacturing, and Retail Distribution.
The North American CBD market, valued at USD 6.7 billion in 2023, continues to expand rapidly, with a projected CAGR of 14.2% until 2030. Xebra's authorized position by the Mexican FDA positions it uniquely to leverage international CBD growth trends.
The company focuses on domestic CBD cultivation, collaborating with Chapingo University to enhance techniques and potential yield. Meanwhile, manufacturing strategies include engaging with white label partners to improve efficiency. Rapid Retail Distribution plans comprise expanding Elements Brands and building e-commerce infrastructure to penetrate the U.S. market effectively.
To further its cultivation initiatives, Xebra is actively modifying existing licenses in Mexico to allow large-scale, cost-effective production, utilizing favorable local climates. The company also seeks partnerships with established CBD brands to drive revenue growth and market presence.
R. P.
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