sur WizarPOS

WizarPOS Unveils Next-Generation Terminal Management System for the Android Payment Ecosystem

WizarPOS has announced a significant update to its Terminal Management System (TMS), named WizarView. This updated platform is designed to enhance operational efficiency and security within businesses, while offering detailed insights from collected data.

At the core of WizarView is its focus on advanced security and streamlined management. The system is PCI DSS certified, providing high levels of data protection through secure communications, detailed user access controls, and fortified application security. It enables administrators to remotely oversee terminal functionality, adjust settings, and produce comprehensive reports via a user-friendly dashboard.

WizarView also introduces a dedicated App Store that caters specifically to financial Android POS systems. This marketplace ensures that all apps remain current with the latest security updates and features, enhancing overall system functionality.

In addition to these features, WizarView offers powerful data analytics tools. These tools help businesses identify performance trends and make informed decisions to optimize operations and boost profitability. The system also allows for customization of the user interface to align with business branding, thereby enhancing brand identity.

Since launching the first Android POS system under PCI PTS in 2015, WizarPOS has continued to lead in POS technology, now serving over 1500 clients across 100 countries. The new enhancements to WizarView affirm the company's commitment to delivering secure, efficient, and future-proof payment solutions.

R. P.

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