sur Wienerberger AG (isin : AT0000831706)

Wienerberger AG Announces Major Long-term Financing Deal

Wienerberger AG has successfully negotiated a significant long-term financing arrangement, securing a €600 million credit line until 2033. This strategic financial move is primarily aimed at financing the acquisition of the Terreal roofing business, alongside refinancing an existing bond due to mature in May 2024. The Terreal acquisition marks the largest in Wienerberger's 200-year history, highlighting the company's aggressive growth and expansion strategy.

The newly arranged loan facility, with a nine-year term, was facilitated as a club deal with five of Wienerberger’s long-standing partner banks and refinanced through Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG. This financing not only replaces the bridge financing initially drawn for the Terreal transaction but also paves the way for the repayment of the €250 million bond from 2018-2024.

Heimo Scheuch, CEO of Wienerberger, emphasized the importance of long-term financing in ensuring liquidity under favorable conditions, which in turn supports the company’s sustainable growth in various sectors including renovation, new build, and water and energy management infrastructure. Moreover, this financial restructuring introduces a variable interest rate with options for additional hedging depending on future market developments and allows for flexible repayments enhancing the company's financial robustness.

R. H.

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