sur Wienerberger AG (isin : AT0000831706)

Wienerberger AG Achieves High ESG Ratings from Leading Global Agencies

Wienerberger AG's commitment to sustainability has been recognized with top scores by various global environmental, social, and governance (ESG) rating agencies, as announced on March 12, 2024. The company has made significant progress in its environmental and social initiatives throughout 2023, which has led to these esteemed acknowledgements.

The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) awarded Wienerberger a "B" rating, placing it in the second-highest tier among all assessed companies for its actions on climate issues. Further highlighting Wienerberger’s achievements, MSCI awarded the company their highest ESG rating of "AAA" for the eighth consecutive year. Additionally, Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS ESG) rated Wienerberger as "Prime", positioning it in the top 10% in the building materials industry. EcoVadis placed Wienerberger in the top 1% of rated companies, awarding it a Platinum medal. Sustainalytics recognized Wienerberger as a “Low Risk” company in terms of financial impacts from ESG factors.

Wienerberger's CEO, Heimo Scheuch, emphasized the company's dedication to sustainability as a core part of its strategy. The company is set to continue its efforts towards creating ecological solutions for building and infrastructure, aiming to improve quality of life and ensure future generations face no less opportunity than the current one. A revised and more ambitious sustainability program for 2026 focuses on emission reductions, a circular economy, and targets for water and waste management, in addition to promoting climate-neutral construction solutions and social goals like diversity and inclusion.

R. E.

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