sur Western Alaska Minerals Corp (isin : CA9575981050)

Western Alaska Minerals Confirms District-Scale Potential

Western Alaska Minerals has announced promising drilling and trenching results at its Illinois Creek CRD project. The findings reveal continuous mineralization between the Waterpump Creek silver deposit and the Illinois Creek gold deposit, highlighting the project's district-scale potential.

Key results from the Warm Springs zone indicate a 1.7 km by 1.0 km mineralized corridor. The drill holes demonstrate extensive carbonate replacement deposit hydrothermal systems characterized by multistage silicification and pyrite-associated gold-copper mineralization.

Highlights from drill holes include 2.5 meters grading 2.31 g/t Au and 73 g/t Ag, and 1.2 meters grading 687 g/t Ag, 33.6% Pb. These results emphasize a potential connection between high-grade mineralization zones at Illinois and Warm Springs, further reinforcing the project's scalability.

R. E.

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