sur West Mining Corp (isin : CA9546062089)

West Mining Corp. Signs Option Agreement for Mineral Claims in British Columbia

West Mining Corp. has announced an option agreement with ESN Investment Corp. This agreement allows West to acquire a 100% interest in two mineral claims in Northern British Columbia, enhancing their Spanish Mountain West and Junkers properties.

The Spanish Mountain West claim is located in the Quesnel Belt and increases the property area by 45%. The new claim is strategically positioned near existing West properties and extends along Quesnel Lake.

The Junkers Property has also expanded by 65%, with a new claim near significant gold-copper mineral showings. Exploration has begun with satellite image analysis to pinpoint potential targets.

West Mining will issue 7 million shares to ESN in stages, with a potential 1% royalty interest granted to ESN upon completion. West Mining aims to advance exploration efforts and bolster their mineral asset base.

R. P.

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