sur West Mining Corp (isin : CA9546062089)

West Mining Corp Reveals Exploration Plans for Junker Property

West Mining Corp, based in Vancouver, announced an exploration program for its Junker Copper-Gold-Silver Property in north-central British Columbia. The company's recent analysis of geological, geophysical, and geochemical data identified promising targets, building on limited rock sampling results from 2021 that indicated significant copper, gold, and silver deposits.

The exploration will integrate multispectral satellite data analyses, which highlighted the Junker mineral showing established in 2004. These analyses identified 46 additional sites for potential follow-up, using images from satellites such as Sentinel-2 and Landsat-8, alongside radar data.

The field program will include targets from a 2021 high-resolution heliborne magnetic survey. CEO Nader Vatanchi expressed optimism about the potential of these new targets as part of the company's strategic advancements.

R. H.

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