sur West Mining Corp (isin : CA9546062089)
West Mining Corp Concludes Core Resampling on Kena Property
West Mining Corp announced the completion of a historic core resampling program on its wholly owned Kena Property in British Columbia. This initiative involved 66 diamond drill holes, initially drilled between 2001 and 2017, that were resampled as part of efforts to improve the quality and reliability of existing data. A total of 481 core samples, along with 73 assay standards and 49 blanks, were analyzed.
The core resampling was recommended by Sue Bird from Moose Mountain Technical Services to enhance QAQC standards. This step aims to refine the 2021 resource estimate by upgrading parts of the inferred category to indicated status. The revised resource estimate will also account for 32 new drill holes completed post-2021.
Laboratory tests were conducted at the MSALABS facility, and the results have confirmed precision and accuracy. The project aligns with West Mining's strategy to develop and explore its Kena, Daylight, and Athabasca properties further.
R. H.
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