WEB SA: Financial performance as of September 30, 2024

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action WAREHOUSE ESTATES BELGIUM S.A. (EBR:WEB).

Warehouse Estates Belgium SA (WEB) presents its financial results for the first half of 2024. The occupancy rate of the properties remained stable at 97.48%, reflecting efficient rental management despite a difficult economic context. Rental income increased by 11% to €18,548k, benefiting from inflation-linked indexation and previously approved mergers.

The fair value of the real estate portfolio stands at €334.7 million, marking an increase of 5.5% since the end of 2023. WEB's debt ratio is at 46.94%, while the potential yield stands at 7.71%. However, financial charges remain high, influenced by Euribor rates.

WEB continues to focus on sustainability, strengthening its ESG policy through double materiality analysis and the development of the electrification of its infrastructure. The company is pursuing its arbitrage strategy to optimize its real estate portfolio.

R. P.

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