WEB SA announces significant changes in participation

Warehouse Estates Belgium SA (WEB SA) recently declared that following the absorption of the companies Le Beau Bien SA and Grafimmo SA on April 23, 2024, significant changes in shareholdings took place. Société Patrimoniale à Portefeuille SA acquired 336,545 shares, thus exceeding the threshold of 5% participation and is now involved in the concerted action, including several members of the Wagner family and several entities. This operation also led to a crossing of the threshold of the majority of voting rights, with people acting in concert now holding 54.50% of the rights.

This important family and entrepreneurial regrouping under the aegis of Mr. Robert Jean Wagner strengthens their control over WEB SA. Furthermore, the document informs that Ms. Jarmila Schreilova, previously part of the concert action, died on March 24, 2021, which reduced the group without affecting the detention thresholds.

R. H.

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Voir toutes les actualités de WAREHOUSE ESTATES BELGIUM S.A.