sur VueReal

VueReal Showcases Cutting-Edge MicroLED Technologies at Display Week 2024

VueReal presented its latest MicroSolid Printing™ advancements at Display Week 2024, emphasizing major contributions to microLED technology in AR/VR, consumer electronics, and automotive sectors. The event, held from May 12-16 in San Jose, featured VueReal's innovative approach to microLED display manufacturing which ensures efficient LED transfer and high scalability.

Throughout the event, VueReal revealed various applications of its groundbreaking technology. For AR/VR, VueReal disclosed novel immersive technologies that promise higher resolution and energy efficiency. In consumer electronics, the company introduced enhanced microLED solutions for smartwatches, TVs, and smartphones that simplify production processes and reduce costs while delivering superior performance. For the automotive industry, VueReal showcased reliable and multifunctional microLED lighting and display solutions, tailored to modern vehicular demands.

CEO Reza Chaji highlighted the company's role in pioneering cost-effective, environmentally conscious production methods for next-generation microLED technologies. He expressed enthusiasm for VueReal’s participation in Display Week, stressing the importance of their innovations in shaping the future of the display industry.

R. P.

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