Voyageurs du Monde announces a public share buyback offer

On June 25, 2024, the company Voyageurs du Monde published a press release concerning the provision of the information note and the document containing legal, financial and accounting information, as part of its public share buyback offer ( OPRA).

This offer concerns 866,666 shares at a price of 150 euros per share, aimed at reducing the company's capital. The offer will be open for a minimum period of 20 calendar days, after publication of the required regulatory notices.

Voyageurs du Monde's business plan, developed for the period 2024-2026, forecasts an average annual revenue growth rate of 4.3%, with operating margin adjustments expected over the same period. .

The information note and other additional documents are available on the AMF and Voyageurs du Monde websites, as well as at their respective premises in Paris.

R. E.

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