sur VOQUZ Labs AG (isin : DE000A3CSTW4)

VOQUZ Labs AG Partners with PwC to Accelerate Market Penetration of remQ Software

VOQUZ Labs AG has recently announced a strategic partnership with PwC Solutions Germany, aimed at expanding the reach of its remQ software, a business transaction monitoring and auditing tool designed for SAP customers. The collaboration is set to leverage PwC's extensive client base to implement a digitalized internal control system using remQ, enhancing data and transaction security across critical business processes. This move represents a significant stride in VOQUZ Labs' market penetration efforts, particularly after a period of tepid sales growth.

The synergy between VOQUZ Labs and PwC is expected to significantly ease the go-to-market journey for remQ, considering PwC's dominant presence in the auditing and consulting sector in Germany. The deal could potentially yield an estimated annual revenue between €25-30 million for VOQUZ Labs, signifying a notable leap in the company's financial prospects. Furthermore, VOQUZ plans to amplify this growth trajectory through cross-promotion with its flagship software, samQ, which is also geared towards SAP software asset management.

Additionally, the firm is set to benefit from its visoryQ tool, an advisory service software that aids in strategic ERP decision-making. This is particularly relevant for SAP customers facing the transition to S/4HANA, suggesting a promising growth outlook for VOQUZ in the realm of SAP cloud migration and management. This strategic positioning is anticipated to bolster the company's sales and profitability, highlighting a recovery from a challenging first half of the year and projecting a positive forecast for the upcoming fiscal years.

R. E.

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