sur Volcon EPowersports, Inc. (NASDAQ:VLCN)
Volcon Signs Agreement with Venom-EV for 500 Golf Carts

Volcon ePowersports announced a significant development on February 25, 2025. The company, listed on NASDAQ, entered a Supply Agreement with Venom-EV. Venom has placed an initial order for 500 golf carts from Volcon, marking a new venture for the electric vehicle provider.
John Kim, CEO of Volcon, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership, highlighting Venom's established brand in the golf cart industry. Venom boasts a versatile range of models and a solid network of 80 dealers in the U.S.
Kim also mentioned recent funding, enabling Volcon to penetrate the golf cart market effectively and capitalize on opportunities like tariffs on Chinese imports. Zack Kraus, CEO of Venom, anticipates growth and a robust partnership with Volcon through this agreement.
The Supply Agreement details can be found in Volcon's Form 8-K on the SEC's website.
R. H.
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