sur Volcon EPowersports, Inc. (NASDAQ:VLCN)
Volcon Inc. CEO Update: Significant Progress in the Last Six Months

Volcon Inc. (NASDAQ:VLCN), the pioneering all-electric off-road powersports company, has released a video update on its progress over the last six months. The video is available on the company's website.
Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Volcon focuses on producing high-quality, sustainable electric vehicles for outdoor enthusiasts. The company’s lineup includes motorcycles and UTVs, with notable models like the Grunt and the Stag.
The Grunt EVO, introduced in October 2023, features a belt drive, improved suspension, and a more comfortable seat. The Brat eBike, designed for both on-road and off-road use, is being delivered to dealers across North America. Additionally, the Stag UTV, launched in July 2022, began shipping in February 2024.
These innovations reflect Volcon’s commitment to offering environmentally-friendly and quieter alternatives to traditional off-roading vehicles, enhancing the outdoor experience.
R. H.
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