sur Volcon EPowersports, Inc. (NASDAQ:VLCN)

Volcon Announces $2 Million Share Repurchase Program

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Volcon EPowersports, Inc. (EBR:VLCN).

Volcon ePowersports, a provider of electric vehicles, has announced a $2 million share repurchase program. Approved by the Board of Directors, this program allows Volcon to buy back shares of its common stock by March 7, 2026. CEO John Kim explains this move reflects confidence in Volcon's future, especially following the launch of the HF1 and MN1 Tradesman UTVs and the MN1 Adventurer golf cart.

As of March 7, 2025, Volcon holds $19.1 million in unrestricted cash. With expected operational cash flow, the company anticipates having sufficient funds to operate into 2026. Repurchases will adhere to market conditions and legal requirements, potentially including open market transactions.

This decision does not obligate Volcon to buy a specific number of shares, and the program may be adjusted or terminated at the company's discretion.

R. E.

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