sur Viromed Medical AG (isin : DE000A3MQR65)

Viromed Medical AG Sells Shares to Boost European Market Entry

Viromed Medical AG has announced the successful off-market placement of 1,250,000 shares, representing approximately 6.17% of its share capital, to a key strategic investor in the healthcare industry. Majority shareholder and CEO Uwe Perbandt and his wife remain the principal owners, ensuring continuity in the company's leadership.

CEO Uwe Perbandt believes this share reallocation is beneficial, highlighting the validation from leading medical companies and investors. The alliance with the new healthcare investor is projected to enhance Viromed's entry into the European market by leveraging the investor's expertise and network.

Despite the share sale, Perbandt's continued support emphasizes that this move aligns with the interests of all stakeholders and aims to facilitate Viromed's strategic growth trajectory.

R. H.

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