sur Viromed Medical AG (isin : DE000A3MQR65)

Viromed Medical AG Expands Shareholder Base with Strategic Healthcare Investor

Viromed Medical AG has announced the acquisition of further shares by a strategic healthcare investor. In a private placement, 900,000 shares, representing 4.44% of the company's share capital, were transferred. This follows the investor's previous acquisition of 1,250,000 shares, amounting to 6.17% of the equity. Consequently, the investor now holds a 10.62% stake in Viromed Medical AG.

Uwe Perbandt, CEO and majority shareholder with his wife, confirmed the reallocation. He emphasized the investor’s commitment to the healthcare sector and their recognition of Viromed's recent milestones. This strategic move aims to bolster Viromed's future and benefit all shareholders.

R. E.

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