sur Viromed Medical AG (isin : DE000A3MQR65)
Viromed Medical AG Announces Termination of Cooperation with terraplasma medical GmbH
Pinneberg, 5 July 2024 – Viromed Medical GmbH, a wholly owned subsidiary of Viromed Medical AG, and terraplasma medical GmbH have terminated their cooperation with immediate effect.
Under their previous agreement, Viromed Medical GmbH held exclusive distribution rights for a cold plasma device developed by terraplasma medical GmbH in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. This product accounted for nearly half of Viromed's annual revenue in 2023.
In the past, other manufacturers of similar devices had shown interest in collaborating with Viromed. Due to the exclusivity agreement, these opportunities were not explored. With the termination, Viromed can now expand its sales potential globally by marketing its own cold plasma devices.
Viromed aims to launch its new cold plasma product series in the European market by the beginning of the fourth quarter of 2024.
R. E.
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