Viridien Secures $20M Contract for North Sea Seismic Project

Paris, France – June 11, 2024: Viridien, formerly known as CGG, has announced that its Sensing & Monitoring division, marketed under the Sercel brand, has secured a contract worth approximately $20 million. The contract involves the sale and delivery of a GPR300 ocean bottom nodal (OBN) solution, which will be used in an upcoming seismic survey project in the North Sea.

The Sercel GPR nodes, featuring QuietSeis® MEMS technology, provide exceptional broadband signal sensing capabilities and ultra-quiet performance. The GPR300 model is designed for shallow water depths of up to 300 meters, and its compact and lightweight design allows for easy manual handling, deployment, and retrieval.

Jerome Denigot, Executive Vice President of Sensing & Monitoring at Viridien, stated, "Viridien is dedicated to delivering the highest quality of seismic data through its Sercel solutions. The GPR300 has already demonstrated outstanding performance in major surveys in the Middle East and Asia. This new contract marks the expansion of our GPR nodal solution to the North Sea OBN seismic market, where we are confident it will deliver excellent results."

R. E.

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