VINCI Wins Two New Road Link Contracts in Australia

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action VINCI (EPA:DG).

VINCI's Australian subsidiary, Seymour Whyte, has secured two contracts totaling approximately A$340 million (around €209 million). These contracts focus on significant road upgrades in Sydney and Melbourne.

In Sydney, the contract includes upgrading a 3.8 km stretch of Mamre Road near the future international airport. The project will transform the current two-lane road into a four-lane road with a large central median, allowing for future expansion. Environmental initiatives include using reclaimed asphalt pavement and reusing excavated materials. This project is expected to be completed by 2028.

In Melbourne, the upgrade of Clyde Road will involve adding one additional lane in each direction and widening the Clyde Road bridge. The project, set to be completed in 2027, will analyze greenhouse gas emissions and use solar or hybrid energy.

Seymour Whyte is actively involved in several major projects in Australia, including the access roads to the future Western Sydney International Airport and the extension of the M1 Pacific Motorway.

R. P.

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