sur Vibrant Wellness

Vibrant Wellness Tickborne Testing Granted New York State Approval

Vibrant Wellness announced that its Tickborne Testing has received approval from The Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health. This marks a significant development, allowing the company to provide Lyme disease testing using its innovative Immunochip technology in New York. The technology promises higher sensitivity and specificity for Lyme disease detection through advanced serological testing.

The approval highlights Vibrant's commitment to excellence, as demonstrated by its CAP accreditation and past approvals in various diagnostics fields. The Lyme disease tests encompass a comprehensive analysis of 16 serological markers, enhancing diagnostic accuracy considerably. This includes detecting low levels of antibodies against Borrelia Burgdorferi, the bacterium responsible for Lyme disease in North America.

Compared to traditional ELISA and western blot methods, Vibrant's Immunochip technology can detect multiple pathogens simultaneously, offering a quicker, more accurate diagnosis. This approval paves the way for improved Lyme disease and co-infection detection in New York, a state heavily affected by these conditions. CEO Vasanth Jayalaman hailed the approval as a step forward in offering precise diagnostics to healthcare professionals and patients across New York.

R. H.

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