sur Vertical Exploration Inc. (isin : CA92536L1031)

Vertical Exploration Extends Exclusivity Agreement on St-Onge Wollastonite

Vancouver-based Vertical Exploration Inc. has announced an extension to its exclusivity agreement with an international entity concerning its St-Onge Wollastonite deposit in Quebec. The agreement focuses on exploring applications for enhanced rock weathering (ERW) in carbon removal.

Under a confidentiality clause, the partnering entity's identity remains undisclosed. Wollastonite's benefits, such as CO2 capture and improved soil conditions, make it valuable for agricultural purposes. As talks proceed positively, shareholder updates are expected soon.

The St-Onge project aligns with Vertical’s strategy to advance North American mining prospects. The extension aims to further test wollastonite's efficacy in sustainable agricultural and carbon capture solutions.

R. P.

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