Verimatrix XTD: New Interface for Optimized Security of Mobile Applications

Verimatrix has announced a major update to its Verimatrix XTD dashboard. This new version improves risk visualization, tracking and action capabilities to effectively protect mobile applications and their users.

The revamped dashboard now offers a risk classification model with four clear levels: Informative, Low, Suspicious and High. Each level is accompanied by detailed explanations, allowing security teams to quickly assess the severity and context of threats.

The new interface offers a simplified presentation and intuitive navigation. The main page provides an overview of the application's security level and critical alerts. The App Instance page provides a detailed analysis of each application instance to identify trends and target mitigation actions.

Verimatrix also introduced the Verimatrix User Identity Tag™ feature, associating a unique identifier with each application user. This innovation allows compromised application instances to be traced back to the source, thereby improving the effectiveness of security measures.

R. H.

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