Verimatrix XTD Dashboard Evolves: Enhancing Risk Visibility and Actionability

Verimatrix (Euronext Paris: VMX) announced significant upgrades to its XTD dashboard, aimed at improving application security risk visibility and providing actionable insights. These enhancements streamline threat response for mobile apps and users.

The updated XTD dashboard now includes a new risk classification model, replacing numerical scores with four clear categories: Informational, Low, Suspicious, and High. Each level comes with detailed explanations, helping security teams understand threat severity and context.

Specific remediation guidance is now mapped to each risk level, offering teams recommended steps for investigation and vulnerability management based on the evaluated threats.

The dashboard’s redesigned UI simplifies information delivery, offering an at-a-glance view of app security posture, key metrics, and critical detections. The App Instance View allows detailed analysis to identify risk patterns and focus mitigation efforts.

Additionally, the Verimatrix User Identity Tag™ feature associates unique identifiers with individual app users, enhancing threat containment and forensic investigations. This capability is particularly beneficial for regulated enterprises like banks, enabling focused incident responses and compliance specificity.

R. E.

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