sur Walls & Futures REIT PLC (isin : GB00BD04QG09)

Ventura Finance Limited Increases Stake in Walls & Futures REIT PLC

Walls & Futures REIT PLC (WAFR), an ethical housing investor and developer, has announced a significant change in its shareholding. On January 31, 2025, it was revealed that Ventura Finance Limited, controlled by Mark Jackson, has acquired a total of 147,500 ordinary shares. These transactions occurred on January 30, 2025, and represent approximately 3.93% of the company's issued ordinary shares.

The development marks a notable shift in ownership dynamics within Walls & Futures. The company has consistently pursued ethical investment opportunities within the housing sector. Ventura Finance's increased stake may signal confidence in Walls & Futures' strategic direction.

For more details, stakeholders are directed to contact Joe McTaggart, Chief Executive of Walls & Futures, or visit their official website.

R. E.

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