sur VAZIVA SA (isin : FR0014007T10)

VAZIVA SA takes a new step by joining Euronext Growth® Paris

VAZIVA SA, a company specializing in the dematerialization of social grants, announced its transfer from EURONEXT Access TM Paris to EURONEXT Growth® Paris, effective from March 15, 2024. With its ISIN code FR0014007T10 and the mnemonic code ALVAZ, the company broadens its stock market horizon in a market more suited to its size and growth strategy.

Since its creation in 2016, Vaziva has established itself as an innovative fintech, offering personalized solutions in employee benefits. Achieving remarkable growth in 2023, with a turnover of €25.6 million, an increase of 79% compared to the previous year, Vaziva also stands out for its portfolio of 500 corporate clients and 200,000 active cards. .

Vaziva's management sees this change as an opportunity to accelerate the company's development and improve its access to new methods of financing. Admission to Euronext Growth® Paris is seen as a key step in the expansion of the company and its solutions for dematerializing social grants.

R. E.

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