sur Variphy

Variphy Enhances Microsoft Teams Phone with Advanced Reporting and Analytics

Variphy announced the introduction of new reporting and analytics features for Microsoft Teams Phone, marking a significant advancement for users of Microsoft’s cloud-based phone system. This launch, accessible via the Azure Marketplace, allows Variphy users to integrate seamlessly their Microsoft Teams Phone environments with other major platforms such as Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Webex Calling, and Zoom Phone within a single application.

CEO Layne Hoo emphasized that the integration is a testament to Variphy's dedication to enhancing operational efficiency and customer experience through improved visibility into call data. The new features include unlimited data retention, enabling organizations to comply with regulations or internal policies, and ad hoc call history search for detailed call analysis. Additionally, Variphy introduced versatile report delivery options, supporting multiple formats and distribution methods.

This update promises to empower organizations with enhanced control and insight over their communication data, supporting better decision-making and service optimization. Variphy's initiative to provide advanced analytics and reporting features through its integration with Microsoft Teams Phone highlights its ongoing commitment to helping organizations manage their communication environments more effectively.

R. H.

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