sur Varengold Wertpapierhandelsbank AG (isin : DE0005479307)
Varengold Bank Reinforces Leadership Amid Strategic Realignment
Varengold Bank is advancing its strategic realignment with new leadership appointments. Tobias M. Weitzel joins the Supervisory Board, bringing entrepreneurial success and financial expertise, while Matthias Wargers and Hendrik Harms take on roles within the Management Board. Wargers, with over 25 years in finance, will serve as Spokesman, leveraging his experience in company transformations. Harms, a seasoned risk manager, will focus on risk, control, and governance processes alongside Wargers and Kai Friedrichs.
The bank, led by Supervisory Board Chairman Dirk Auerbach, focuses on marketplace lending, financing SMEs, and energy transition projects, especially in Bulgaria. Recent leadership changes include the exits of Dr. Bernhard Fuhrmann and Frank Otten. Varengold aims to enhance its market position as a specialized bank for fintechs and sustainable financing.
R. E.
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