sur Direct Line Group (isin : GB00BY9D0Y18)

Vanguard Group Discloses Stake in Direct Line Insurance

Graphique de l'évolution du cours de l'action Direct Line Group (EBR:DLG).

The Vanguard Group, Inc. has revealed its stake in Direct Line Insurance Group plc as part of a public opening position disclosure under the Takeover Code Rule 8.3. This announcement, dated November 29, 2024, outlines Vanguard's interests amounting to 5.45% in Direct Line, equivalent to 71,521,389 ordinary shares. The disclosure also notes involvement with Aviva plc, although no cash offers are involved.

Vanguard has not indicated any cash-settled or stock-settled derivatives or agreements to deal with securities at this time. Additionally, there are no indemnity agreements or understandings influencing the dealings, emphasizing transparency in their disclosure. No supplementary forms are attached to this declaration.

This move forms part of broader market activities involving interests in relevant securities, with the latest position being held as of November 28, 2024.

R. E.

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