sur Direct Line Group (isin : GB00BY9D0Y18)

Vanguard Group Announces Stake in Direct Line Insurance Group

The Vanguard Group, Inc. disclosed a significant ownership stake in Direct Line Insurance Group plc on 29 February 2024. According to Form 8.3 filed under the Takeover Code, The Vanguard Group has crossed the threshold of ownership, reporting a 5.01% interest in the insurance company through owning 65,706,355 of its shares. This position makes Vanguard a notable stakeholder in Direct Line Insurance Group, reflecting confidence in the insurer's business model and future prospects.

The announcement also briefly mentioned Ageas SA/NV, indicating disclosures related to another party within the context of this filing, although specifics concerning the nature of these disclosures were not provided. This form, required under rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code for entities holding over 1% interest in a company undergoing a takeover, ensures transparency in significant business transactions and ownerships.

No dealings or changes in the shareholding were reported immediately preceding the disclosure date, nor were there any reported arrangements such as indemnity, options, or derivatives related to Direct Line Insurance Group’s shares. This announcement, spearheaded by Vanguard spokesperson Shawn Acker, emphasizes the investment firm's strategic positioning within significant UK insurance markets.

R. H.

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