sur Direct Line Group (isin : GB00BY9D0Y18)

Vanguard Announces New Positions in Direct Line Insurance Group plc

The Vanguard Group, Inc. has disclosed its latest holdings in Direct Line Insurance Group plc, reporting a significant interest in the insurance company. As of 07 March 2024, Vanguard holds a total interest of 5.01% in Direct Line, equivalent to 65,678,764 ordinary shares. This position reflects Vanguard's confidence in the Direct Line Insurance Group and highlights its strategy in the financial and insurance sectors.

In addition to its holdings in Direct Line Insurance Group plc, Vanguard disclosed dealings in Ageas SA/NV, another indication of Vanguard’s active participation in the insurance industry. The disclosure, made under the rules of the Takeover Code, indicates both purchases and sales of Direct Line’s shares by Vanguard around the price of 2.21 GBP. Specifically, Vanguard sold 13,381 shares and purchased 12,040 shares on the mentioned date.

Overall, Vanguard Group’s activity underscores its significant influence and investment strategy within the insurance sector, marking important movements for investors to note.

R. H.

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